Nm • June 29, 2023The second most beautiful bridge in Florence .. Perfect spot to take pictures of Ponte Vecchio !! Don’t miss the view at sunset ..
Grande Museo del Duomo • October 9, 2013Del 1830 circa, il Palazzo è caratterizzato da un pronao sostenuto da colonne ioniche e dalla presenza delle statue monumentali di Arnolfo di Cambio e Filippo Brunelleschi, i costruttori del Duomo
Krzÿsztof • July 9, 2013Also open late in the evening (up until midnight), which is rare in Florence. Worth checking out.
Firenze C. • July 17, 2013Beautiful place that always offers interesting temporary exhibitions. In the courtyard you can find also music, installations, a cool bar and free wi-fi. More tips on the page Firenzecard.
Noelia d. • October 22, 2015STUNNING view. Especially beautiful this time of year, on a sunny day just before sunset. Few people, so peaceful.
Grande Museo del Duomo • October 1, 2013Ecco il punto su cui cadde, nel 1601, la Palla di rame dorato realizzata dal Verrocchio e posizionata sulla lanterna della cupola nel 1471 - tutto quel rame attira i fulmini! E infatti...
Murat • April 6, 2024414 steps, take your time, don’t rush. It gets narrow when you get closer, but fine. Definitely worth for the view.
Ashley D. • September 5, 2018Great view from the top, but there can be a long wait to climb the stairs. The audio guide for the palace was informative. The stairs are not too bad, as they start at the top of the palace
Grande Museo del Duomo • October 9, 2013Santa Reparata fu il primo duomo di Firenze. Nel 1375 i lavori per l’attuale Duomo richiesero la demolizione della chiesa protocristiana, che venne letteralmente “inghiottita” dalla nuova opera.
Dario C. • October 8, 2014una piazza con suo bel palazzo. è proprio accanto a piazza della repubblica, un luogo da non lasciarsi sfuggire! Ci sono un paio di locali ed un cinema proprio dietro l'angolo.
Grande Museo del Duomo • October 2, 2013Così viene ricordato uno dei miracoli di Zanobi, vescovo di Firenze tra IV e V secolo: durante la traslazione dell’860, le sue spoglie sfiorarono un olmo ormai secco che subito cominciò a rifiorire
Fluying ✅. • October 18, 2018The present church, built by the Vallombrosan Order, replaces an earlier 11th-century church.
Grande Museo del Duomo • October 3, 2013La Porta, nella fiancata nord davanti a via De’ Servi, è l’accesso alla Cupola del Duomo. Deve il suo nome all’Assunzione della Vergine rappresentata nel timpano entro un nimbo a forma di mandorla
Юлия • February 15, 2019Великолепный, изысканный, покоряющий благородством и отличным вкусом представителей семейства Гонди дворец.
Benjamin 🚀 • September 18, 2015A big WOW! Worth a wait in the line and spring for the extra tour of the rotunda. Just make sure to dress properly so they don't have to cover you up. 😄🇮🇹⛪️
Fluying ✅. • September 12, 2018Florence main axis was part of the ancient Roman grid plan. It connected religious center (cathedral) with the political one (Piazza della Repubblica)
John A. • March 23, 2017My favorite bridge, beautiful views both ways including looking at the next bridge Ponte Vecchio. Less crowded, and a great view of sunset on the water.
Zara R. • June 16, 2013Amazing staff, really close to ponte vecchio, palazza vecchio and uffizi, and views on roof top bar you can't beat
Julls 🍀 J. • May 9, 2013Free wi fi. Chip and tasty, amazing view to Golden bridge)
Mathew S. • July 19, 2012There is a great view where all the bridges line up behind the Ponte Vecchio from the third floor second corridor.
Murat • April 5, 2024Fantastic location, in OldTown, by the river, close to bridge. Great at the weekends, awesome to sit outside in sun and perfect for watching people. It may take time for a seat outside on a sunny day.
Made of Tuscany F. • March 17, 2016Michelangelo called tehm "Gates of Paradise". The ten panels depict scenes from the Old Testament. The two central busts are portraits of the artist who made them, Lorenzo Ghiberti.
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