Genoveva V. • August 18, 2017Very interesting and wonderful example of the Modernismo Catalan. The guided tour was excellent
Liza S. • September 5, 2018Amazing view. Better to come earlier in the evening and take some food or drinks to spend time there!
Rita L. • May 4, 2020Cool place! There’s a free area where you don’t need tickets, you can just climb up the hills for the view!
Murat • October 14, 2023A bit off the center, but adds a lot to the city’s architecture portfolio. Big venue for concerts, exibitions, events.
Jole P. • February 13, 2017Beautiful on a sunny day and close to tacos and great stuff nearby
48H Open House BCN • October 19, 2011Alguns elements són comuns a tots els edificis del conjunt: l’ús del maó vist i de les voltes de maó com a element de coberta o el tractament ornamental a partir d’estilitzacions florals amb ceràmica.
Mikelons • June 21, 2012A Barcelona les fonts monumentals segueixen un horari, com les persones. S'apaguen al migdia perquè puguin anar a dinar i a la nit perquè puguin dormir.
Venice Q. • June 1, 2014Visita guiada muy recomendable e interesante, un gran guía
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