"Mica is the best in deep tissue body work I have found in Denver! Be specific about problem areas and she will target tackle and tame tension!!! Be prepared to leave refreshed and relaxed ;)"
Massage Clinic
· Denver, United States
"If you don't love my poodle I don't love you! Cuddle Paris and give her treats, damnit."
Home (private)
· Denver, United States
"Must bring proof of income and address! If eligible for low income you can receive dental services for 35% of standard dental fees. Also, they accept delta dental of Colorado but at their set fees."
· Denver, United States
"The office manager at the dental clinic is very helpful. I missed my first appt and was unable to get services there but she went out of her way to find me another dentist who accepted my insurance."
· Denver, United States
"The dental clinic has open enrollment for new patients the first Thursday of each month from 9-11am. They only take the first 30 patients so get there by 8am and be prepared to wait a few hours."
· Denver, United States
"Bring in your six mac empties and get a free full-sized eyeshadow, lipstick, or lipgloss of your colour choice! And If they run out of your shade, ie nc20 studio fix, there's a Mac counter in Macy's."
· Denver, United States