14 places updated December 29, 2013
14 places including K-Supermarket, Coffee House, extra-piste, ST1
16 places updated April 19, 2014
16 places including Магазин снаряжения Ice-age, Le Pain Quotidien, Belorussky Rail Terminal, Спорт-Марафон
9 places updated February 14, 2017
9 places including День Сурка, Ladozhsky Railway Station, Beach of Peter and Paul Fortress, 13-й арбитражный апелляционный суд
173 places updated February 26, 2015
173 places including Антикафе «ТЕПЛО!», Corleone, Скалистое / Skalistoye, Шашлычная на Бредова
93 places updated
93 places including Petroglyphs of the White Sea, Thamel, Мурманский областной художественный музей, Salla Border Crossing Point (Russia)
297 places updated
297 places including Pleasure, Креп Де Кофе, Surf Coffee x Arctic Ocean, Meating & 7 сэндвичей