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Jackie Brown

Jackie Brown


San Francisco, CA
  • 2 Tips
  • 47 Following
  • 2 Lists

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Jackie's Top Cities
San Francisco
2 Tips
Jackie Brown
4 places updated
4 places including Zuni Café, Tadich Grill, Flour + Water, Aliment
Jackie Brown
17 places updated
17 places including The Riddler, The Pad Studios, Kara's Cupcakes, Pizzeria Delfina - Pacific Heights
Jackie's ListsLists Jackie CreatedLists Jackie Followed
"Great service for the buckeye game and amazing tots!"
Jackie BrownJackie Brown · January 4, 2014
· San Francisco, United States
"Corie is simply fantastic! I've been going to her for almost two years and have no complaints. Takes the time to listen to what I want with my hair. So impressed!! I love her!"
Jackie BrownJackie Brown · October 5, 2013
· San Francisco, United States