"One of the best places to get meat in Nevada County"
Grocery Store
· Grass Valley, United States
7.1"Heeley's are the preferred method of transportation."
High School
· Grass Valley, United States
"Underneath Old Sacramento is an entire underground city. The current day Old Sacramento was built over this city in the 1800's to stop the constent flooding the city was experiencing."
State / Provincial Park
· Sacramento, United States
4.6"There is a hidden road at the backside of Cyprus Hill that leads to downtown Grass Valley -- be careful."
Home (private)
· Grass Valley, United States
"The forest is located at the backside of the park. It's a nice place to explore and walk along the creek."
Other Outdoors
· Grass Valley, United States
"Cafe Mekka is a local favorite-- and be sure not to miss out on Victorian Christmas in December."
· Nevada City, United States