1 places updated July 8, 2020
1 place including Bruno's
3 places updated October 30, 2019
3 places including The Mooring Seafood Kitchen & Bar, The Lawn Terrace at Castle Hill Inn, Newport Blues Café
6 places updated November 11, 2019
6 places including Randolph Pub Ludique, Dieu du Ciel, Isle de Garde, Pizzeria Magpie
4 places updated June 25, 2019
4 places including Rosa Bonheur sur Seine, La Champmeslé, Les Souffleurs, Who's
2 places updated June 29, 2019
2 places including L'Entrecôte, Le 7 Restaurant
10 places updated November 1, 2018
10 places including Galleria Umberto, Quattro, Locale, Penguin Pizza