2 places updated September 10, 2015
2 places including Ta Bouche, The Fountain
8 places updated August 7, 2012
作为伪满洲国的新京,新中国的工业重镇,即便物是人非,城中许多建筑仍在默默地讲述历史的故事。Follow the list to explore the historic cites of Changchun, the old capital of puppet Manchuria regime and an humble start of the industrial new China.
21 places updated
21 places including Republik 1945, NOOK, Bu Manik Nasi Jinggo Babi Kecap, Dapur Nyonyah Besar
58 places updated
58 places including Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), James Earl Jones Theatre, Girasol Restaurant, Urth Caffé