· Campbell, United States
8.6"Go for grand tier seats or youll be straining your back trying to look over heads even in good orchestra seats."
Opera House
· San Francisco, United States
9.1"Pork, beef, OR chicken shui mai. 2 of them are enough for a meal."
Dim Sum
· San Francisco, United States
8.1"Kids (or dogs?) howling at 5am not fun."
· Boston, United States
6.9"Walls thinner than a best western. Sleep with the tv on if you dont want to be creeped out by neighbors."
· Boston, United States
6.9"White choc rasberry moist and delicious, pecan praline not as moist and muffin-like but still good. Preselected buntini dozen always ready to go. Dont go if you dont like cream cheese frosting!"
· San Jose, United States