"This location is closed from now on due to retirement. :-("
"Der Bahnhof ist zu Fuss gute 20 Minuten vom Beobachtungsturm entfernt in ziemlichem Niemandsland."
Rail Station
· Hohenau an der March, Österreich
"The trains to Vienna start here (good to know when travelling with a bike: the trains -especially those in the evening during the summer- may get crowded and the space for bikes is limited)"
Rail Station
· Krems an der Donau, Österreich
5.4"This bakery created the famous "Wachauer Laberl" (a special kind of roll). Beside the main shop at Dürnstein you can find a shop of Schmidl at Krems (Obere Landstrasse) too."
· Krems an der Donau, Österreich
"Swimming in the river Kamp (like many people did some generations ago - of course with modern standards)"
Landmarks and Outdoors
· Zöbing, Österreich
"Nice selection of the amazing (and famous) local white wines. I recommend one of the Rieslings."
· Langenlois, Österreich