katie m

katie m


New York, NY
  • 2 Tips
  • 8 Following
  • 6 Lists

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katie's Top Cities
New York
1 List Created · 2 Tips
katie m
2 places updated January 1, 2018
2 places including Oiji, Momofuku Nishi
katie m
9 places updated
9 places including Pylos, Kaffe 1668, Balaboosta, Booker and Dax at Ssäm
katie m
1 places updated
1 place including Equinox SoHo
katie's ListsLists katie CreatedLists katie Followed
"Food might be good, and it might be healthy but I'd rather order from a place that doesn't employ a delivery guy who tells me to "go fck myself""
katie mkatie m · May 18, 2014
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant
· New York, United States
"Don't be fooled if there's no one in line ahead of you- it will still take absurdly long to get your order and it will most likely be wrong. The food is good but they need to get their act together."
katie mkatie m · March 17, 2014
· New York, United States