"These guys are the best!"
Auto Repair
· Aberdeen, United States
6.6"These deli slicers are groooooooss! There have to be some serious health-code violations going on up in here..."
Grocery Store
· Baltimore, United States
7.7"Attn Denny's employees: remember that people sitting alongside the counter can hear your conversations. We don't want to hear about your rash."
· Parkville, United States
7.2"Store credit or exchange of you don't have your receipt :("
· Baltimore, United States
6.1"Try One Straw Farm's dried fish peppers! They pack a tasty punch!!"
Farmers Market
· Baltimore, United States
9.1"DO NOT BUY CARS HERE!!!!!!! Drove up from Baltimore after making plans with "Edward" to buy a car. 6.5 hour drive...no one is here or answering the phone. Bullet hole in glass, super shady STAY AWAY!!"
Car Dealer
· Thomaston, United States