"Complete Nerf gun battle! Good size for an energetic battle. Surprisingly fun for adults as well! GREAT for those who are camera happy, bold/bright colors & spooky drawings on the walls."
· Austin, United States
"::Do Not Chk in UnLeSS ur ME(!)::"
Home (private)
· Boston, United States
"VerY coMMunity OrieNted, frieNdLy busiNess(!) Love the wine/beeR taStings...alwayz can fiNd sOmethiNg NEW...& how cAn I fOrger the moNthly (in store) cOntests & giVeAways (busineSs saVvy)"
Liquor Store
· Boston, United States
"My hOme is WaRm (in ALL sense of thE wOrd)...keep it thRiving, keep it moVin'(!) Where the HEART iz. My LoViNg 'fOundAtion' cAn B founD heRe... ... ..."
Home (private)
· Boston, United States
"ParKing can be hectiC (a bit tight) @ busy times. & eXiting back on main roAd is kinda dAngerouS!"
· Dorchester, United States
5.8"JfK: No handicap/elderly entrance or exit to Sydney St. SiDe...Steep flight of stairs! I have a newborn & if ur using stroller, cane/wheelchair or elderly...b forewarned!"
· Boston, United States