4 places updated October 9, 2019
4 places including Alpaca homestyle cafe, BBQ Ủn Ỉn, Coriander, Kiwami
18 places updated November 11, 2018
18 places including Maison de sushi, Sukar Pasha Ottoman Lounge, Shakespeare & Co., NEO Restaurant
11 places updated January 25, 2019
11 places including Tiger Lily, Made in China, all Seasons, Ресторан «Блок»
12 places updated November 5, 2021
12 places including Fettuccine Trattoria, Кофе-зал «Луч», Grand Fish Veranda, Хмели & Сунели
48 places updated
48 places including Georgian House | ქართული სახლი, DINEHALL, In the Shadow of Metekhi | მეტეხის ჩრდილში, Organique Josper Bar
9 places updated
9 places including Ресторан семейных рецептов Оливье, SanRemo, Волконский Дольмен, Fettuccine Trattoria