"FXO Legend Grown Cosecha Group is a trusted partner to the infrastructure, consulting, management, and retail side of the legal regulated cannabis business. legendgrown.com"
· Malibu, United States
"FXO Legend Grown Cosecha Group is the comprehensive resource for the highest quality service providers available to the legal regulated Cannabis Industry."
· Los Angeles, United States
"We are a trusted partner to the infrastructure, consulting, management, and retail side of the Legal Regulated cannabis business. legendgrown.com"
· Palm Desert, United States
"FXO has the highest quality service providers available to the regulated Cannabis Industry. A trusted partner to the infrastructure, consulting,management & retail of the cannabis business"
· Beverly Hills, United States
"As a synergistic holding company, our subsidiaries are able to leverage the strengths of each other, as well as provide unparalleled services to our patients."
· Santa Barbara, United States
"We are a trusted partner to the infrastructure, consulting, management, and retail side of the cannabis business."
· Fresno, United States