5 places updated September 27, 2015
5 places including Oktyabrskiy Big Concert Hall, Храм Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы, Троицкий собор Александро-Невской Лавры, Erarta
8 places updated April 25, 2015
8 places including Каток в СК «Юбилейный», Картинг-центр World Kart, MazaPark, Igels Live Club
14 places updated May 24, 2015
14 places including Big Liver Place, Вчера и навсегда, Soul Kitchen, Estrada
23 places updated October 5, 2015
23 places including Coffee Room, Rudy's Coffee to Go, Пончкофф, Brighton beach
49 places updated
49 places including Red. Steak & Wine, Ketch Up Burgers, Rudy's Coffee to Go, Erarta
51 places updated
51 places including Санвэй, фартук, Китагава, Кузьмина 34/3