8 places updated September 2, 2016
8 places including La Paella, Hungarian National Gallery, Széna tér, Margaret Island
4 places updated December 26, 2012
4 places including Deák Ferenc tér, Bálint Ház, Izraeli Kulturális Intézet, ÁVF - Általános Vállalkozási Főiskola
10 places updated December 20, 2012
10 places including White Angel, Jégkert, Peaches and Cream The Club, Trafiq
3 places updated September 27, 2012
3 places including The Fortress of Editude, Esztergomi Dobó Katalin Gimnázium, Dobó Gym
8 places updated
8 places including Zara, Harvey Nichols, Hollywood Bowl, Chablon bistro
13 places updated
13 places including Buono by Il Treno, Buddies Burger, Budapest Makery, Városligeti Műjégpálya