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Mary Frances Luffman

Mary Frances Luffman


Fernandina Beach, FL
  • 3 Tips
  • 58 Following
  • 2 Lists

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Mary Frances's Top Cities
3 Tips
Mary Frances Luffman
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2 places including The Luffman House, Ryman Auditorium
Mary Frances Luffman
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"Fantastic park for kids. It has a big water feature area so pack swim suits & towels. It also has a big slide, rolling turf hills, rock climbing walls, rope climbing play gym and more. Family friendly"
Mary Frances LuffmanMary Frances Luffman · May 2, 2012
· Nashville, United States
"Trying to find it? Pull into Titans parking lot & drive towards the riverfront. The park is by the walking bridge. There is a blue glass elevator leading to the walking bridge that leads to downtown."
Mary Frances LuffmanMary Frances Luffman · May 2, 2012
· Nashville, United States
"Enter in Titans parking lot & head towards river. The park is by the tall blue elevator & walking bridge to downtown. Fantastic park for kids! And free!!!"
Mary Frances LuffmanMary Frances Luffman · May 2, 2012
· Nashville, United States