Melanie Pearce

Melanie Pearce

If life isn't making me laugh, cry or scream what's the point! Enthusiastic: Mom, rollerskater, girlfriend, singer, Real Estate Nerd & East Ender.

London, Canada
  • 5 Tips
  • 24 Following
  • 4 Lists

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Melanie's Top Cities
1 List Created · 5 Tips
Melanie Pearce
1 places updated February 18, 2012
1 place including Parkwood Hospital
Melanie Pearce
5 places updated February 18, 2012
5 places including Johnny's Restaurant, Smoke N Bones, Ale House London, Joe Kool's
Melanie Pearce
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Melanie Pearce
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Melanie's ListsLists Melanie CreatedLists Melanie Followed
"Pushy! My siblings & I had things to discuss. We were asked 2 times after the waitress' initial inquiry if we were ready to order, on managements orders. We're talking minutes. Never to go back again."
Melanie PearceMelanie Pearce · October 20, 2013
· London, Canada
"Enter from Commissioners. Take the right all the way around. In behind the hosital there is access to the pond (little lake scene in the middle of the city). Great place to just soak it all in."
Melanie PearceMelanie Pearce · February 18, 2012
· London, Canada
"Fantastic! Parking out back. Vermicelli dishes are great. Springrolls are served with a lettuce leaf + mint, rap the leaf around the springroll with some mint leaves. It's not just a garnish!"
Melanie PearceMelanie Pearce · February 18, 2012
· London, Canada
"This is one of the coolest place in London to have lunch or spend the evening. I alway invite out of town guess to Joe's. It's interesting and the food is great."
Melanie PearceMelanie Pearce · February 18, 2012
· London, Canada
"They have a great Sunday morning brunch. Go before the church down the street gets out."
Melanie PearceMelanie Pearce · February 18, 2012
· London, Canada