The only Int'l Hotel in JKT, a tranquil overlooking beach-front setting & holiday ambiance w/ sunset over the open-sea. @MercureAncol
Jl. Pantai Indah Ancol Jakarta Baycity, Jakarta Utara 14430
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Enjoy your FREE Sunday after staying from Friday&Saturday in a row and check out on Monday. What an offer! Call 0216406000 for further information & room reservations. T&C apply.
"Enjoy the ultimate Chinese BBQDinnerBuffet at Sunda Kelapa Rest & Barongsai Entertainment in this hotel on Sat, 9 Feb 2013. Call 0216406000. Let's welcome the spring of 2564. Gong Xi Fa Cai!"
"Enjoy the ultimate Chinese BBQ Dinner Buffet at Sunda Kelapa Rest & Barongsai Entertainment in this hotel on Sat, 9 Feb 2013. Call 0216406000. Let's welcome the spring of 2564. Gong Xi Fa Cai!"