3 places updated June 18, 2015
3 places including 渋谷区立中央図書館, 渋谷図書館, 笹塚図書館
8 places updated June 18, 2015
8 places including LINE Shibuya Office, Yahoo Japan Corporation, mixi, Inc., テレビ朝日 アトリウム
8 places updated June 18, 2015
8 places including 献血ルーム 新宿ギフト, 有楽町献血ルーム, さいたま赤十字病院, Aiiku Clinic
2 places updated June 18, 2015
2 places including BERG, 一軒め酒場 中野北口店
4 places updated June 17, 2015
4 places including 中野区 沼袋区民活動センター, Embassy of the People's Republic of China, 韓国領事館 (大韓民国大使館領事部), Embassy of the Republic of Korea
35 places updated June 18, 2015
35 places including Waseda Univ.Nakano International Community Plaza, Nanzan Elementary School, 大妻中野中学校・高等学校, Waseda University Waseda Campus