"Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs can be very helpful for a variety of conditions such as anxiety, pain and body unbalances. Try acupuncture first and try to help the body correct the imbalance."
Alternative Medicine Clinic
· Phoenix, United States
"Homeopathy was the main form of medicine in the USA until the early 1900's. It is still very popular around the world. It can safely be used with infants, children, pregnant women and even animals."
Alternative Medicine Clinic
· Phoenix, United States
"Colon hydrotherapy is like an internal shower. A healthy colon is essential for overall health as 70% of ones immune system is controlled in the gut. We have the open & closed system."
Alternative Medicine Clinic
· Phoenix, United States
"We have a Full Spectrum infrared sauna with advanced near, mid and far infrared technologies. Studies show regular sauna use have many health benefits including reduction of cardiovascular disease..."
Alternative Medicine Clinic
· Phoenix, United States
"Ionic detox footbaths are known for alkalizing the body. They pull toxins out such as heavy metals. We get such great results with this treatment, people love how it makes them feel!"
Alternative Medicine Clinic
· Phoenix, United States
"Live a balanced, happy & healthy life! It will require detoxing the body with infrared sauna, colon hydrotherapy... & nutritional support. Other helpful services are acupuncture, homeopathy, ozone..."
Alternative Medicine Clinic
· Phoenix, United States