5 places updated November 10, 2011
5 places including White Horse Inn, The Clybourne, Firehaus, Joe's Brewery
5 places updated October 26, 2011
5 places including Undergraduate Library, Speech and Hearing Science, Bevier Hall, David Kinley Hall
14 places updated January 13, 2012
14 places including Flat Top Grill, El Charro, Dock's Fish, KoFusion
3 places updated February 6, 2012
3 places including GQT Savoy 16 IMAX, Carmike 13, The Art Theater
3 places updated October 31, 2011
3 places including Ike North Front Desk, Student Dining & Residential Programs Building, Victoria's Secret PINK
3 places updated October 9, 2011
3 places including Espresso Royale, Espresso Royale, Starbucks