1 places updated March 28, 2013
1 place including Shells Cafe
4 places updated August 24, 2013
4 places including Bondens Marked, Café Pixie, Christianshavn Frugt & Grønt, Meyers Bageri
27 places updated July 24, 2012
27 places including La Llavor dels Orígens, Balandro, Plaça del Mar, Restaurante Auga
5 places updated February 10, 2012
5 places including look mum no hands!, Prufrock Coffee, The Cocktail Club, The People's Supermarket
13 places updated
13 places including Miña Terra, Fælledparken, Tinos Pizzeria, Hipercor
8 places updated
8 places including Rise Bryggeri, Foody Two Shoes, Randersgades International Profilskole, Eplehuset - København