3 places updated May 1, 2019
3 places including Panczo, Piec Na Szewskiej, Chinkalnia
24 places updated December 2, 2018
24 places including Chimney Cake Bakery, Szalone Widelce, Przystanek Pierogarnia, I Love Coffee
12 places updated December 28, 2018
12 places including DŘEVNÝ KOCŮR, Ministerstwo Browaru, Japa Burger, Schaboszczak od Dziadka
4 places updated June 20, 2018
4 places including Introligatornia Smaku, Starka Restaurant and Vodkas, Hamsa, C.K. Browar
38 places updated November 8, 2021
38 places including Vyhlídková cesta, Stanice přírodovědců (DDM hl. m. Prahy), Home Kitchen, Vodopád v Kinského zahradě
22 places updated May 2, 2018
22 places including Vyšehrad, Karlínské náměstí, Peace Square, The Powder Tower