Perfil Abandonado

Perfil Abandonado

São Paulo, SP
  • 0 Tips
  • 5 Following
  • 22 Lists

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Perfil's Top Cities
2 Lists Created
São Paulo
20 Lists Created
1 List Created
Perfil's Recent Lists
Perfil Abandonado
5 places updated March 20, 2016
5 places including Paellas Pepe, Paellaria Español Express, Don Curro, Sancho Bar y Tapas
Perfil Abandonado
7 places updated March 29, 2016
7 places including Tea Station, Família Dias Confeitaria, Sodiê Doces, Recanto Doce Casa de Pães
Perfil Abandonado
3 places updated March 18, 2016
3 places including Tiquatirão Frutos do Mar, Coco Bambu, República dos Camarões
Perfil Abandonado
2 places updated March 7, 2016
2 places including Tornerô, Raful
Perfil Abandonado
2 places updated April 7, 2016
2 places including Rinconcito Peruano, Rinconcito Peruano
Perfil Abandonado
7 places updated February 17, 2016
7 places including Suco Bagaço, Suco Bagaço, Frutaria São Paulo, Joy Juice Smoothie Bar
Perfil's ListsLists Perfil CreatedLists Perfil Followed
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