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Sarah Clark

Sarah Clark


Toledo, OH
  • 2 Tips
  • 140 Following
  • 6 Lists

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Sarah's Top Cities
2 Lists Created · 2 Tips
1 List Created
Sarah Clark
2 places updated January 9, 2013
2 places including University of Toledo Bookstore, Ventura's
Sarah Clark
3 places updated September 23, 2011
3 places including El Camino Real, Ventura's, El Vaquero
Sarah Clark
2 places updated January 25, 2012
2 places including The Ohio State University, Ohio Stadium
Sarah Clark
3 places updated
3 places including World of Coca-Cola, National September 11 Memorial, Statue of Liberty
Sarah Clark
26 places updated
26 places including Fort Meigs State Memorial Park, Outback Steakhouse, Tim Hortons, University Hall
Sarah's ListsLists Sarah CreatedLists Sarah Followed
"Rent books if you can! It saves you a lot of money. Just be sure you don't damage them!"
Sarah ClarkSarah Clark · October 8, 2011
College Bookstore
· Toledo, United States
"Go Rockets!!"
Sarah ClarkSarah Clark · October 4, 2010
· Toledo, United States