Sara M

Sara M

Chicago, IL
  • 2 Tips
  • 1 Following
  • 3 Lists

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Sara's Top Cities
1 List Created · 2 Tips
Sara M
2 places updated November 8, 2011
2 places including Ultimate Exposure, Palm Beach Tan
Sara M
1 places updated
1 place including Spa Forever
Sara M
0 places updated
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Sara's ListsLists Sara CreatedLists Sara Followed
"* sold my membership!"
Sara MSara M · November 8, 2011
Tanning Salon
· Chicago, United States
"Ultimate Exposure sold my member to Palm Beach Tan and I have to agree the girls are just not as friendly , talkative and they don't have nearly as many specials and up grades as Ultimate has."
Sara MSara M · November 8, 2011
Tanning Salon
· Chicago, United States