Student Union AYY

Student Union AYY


Aalto University Student Union, or AYY in short, is the community of Aalto University students. For more information please visit our website at

  • 52 Tips
  • 0 Following
  • 12 Lists
  • 53 Locations

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Student Union AYY's Top Cities
4 Lists Created · 24 Tips
4 Lists Created · 24 Tips
Student Union AYY
5 places updated March 28, 2012
You can find several inexpensive student restaurants on, and near, every Aalto University campus. To receive your discount you must show a valid student card or meal subsidy card at the restaurant.
Student Union AYY
6 places updated April 18, 2012
You can find several inexpensive student restaurants on, and near, every Aalto University campus. To receive your discount you must show a valid student card or meal subsidy card at the restaurant.
Student Union AYY
8 places updated March 28, 2012
You can find several inexpensive student restaurants on, and near, every Aalto University campus. To receive your discount you must show a valid student card or meal subsidy card at the restaurant.
Student Union AYY
16 places updated November 10, 2021
Aalto University Student Union AYY's members can rent AYY's sauna and festive premises for evening gatherings with friends, for example. AYY also has a van which the student union members can borrow.
Student Union AYY
6 places updated November 21, 2013
Aalto University Student Union AYY works mainly from its Central Office in Espoo, but student are provided with student services from our three service points in Arabianranta, Töölö and Otaniemi.
Student Union AYY
27 places updated November 21, 2013
Aalto University Student Union AYY owns approximately 2500 student apartments in Helsinki and Espoo. For more information please visit
Student Union AYY's ListsLists Student Union AYY CreatedLists Student Union AYY Followed
"AYY:n keskustoimiston uusi logo"
Student Union AYYStudent Union AYY · November 21, 2013
Student Center
· Espoo, Suomi
"Ja vielä toinen uusi kuva Pohjavedenkatu neljästä vuodelta 2013"
Student Union AYYStudent Union AYY · November 21, 2013
Residence Hall
· Helsinki, Suomi
"Uusi kuva Pohjavedenkatu neljästä vuodelta 2013"
Student Union AYYStudent Union AYY · November 21, 2013
Residence Hall
· Helsinki, Suomi
"ja vielä toinen uusi kuva Tuhkimontie kakkosesta vuodelta 2013"
Student Union AYYStudent Union AYY · November 21, 2013
Residence Hall
· Helsinki, Suomi
"Uusi kuva Tuhkimontie kakkosesta vuodelta 2013"
Student Union AYYStudent Union AYY · November 21, 2013
Residence Hall
· Helsinki, Suomi
"Ja vielä toinen uusi kuva Kylterinvuoresta vuodelta 2013"
Student Union AYYStudent Union AYY · November 21, 2013
Residence Hall
· Helsinki, Suomi