"FYI for anyone with a hybrid car... Brought my Prius in for oil change. Was just told they have stopped doing services on hybrid cars. Don't know why. :-/"
Auto Repair
· Sunnyvale, United States
"My favorite Starbucks to go to. The iced coffee isn't really watered down & staff is very nice!"
Coffee Shop
· Santa Clara, United States
7.5"Bacon, Onion, & avocado omelette. (The pickle was not included:)) HUGE!!!"
Coffee Shop
· Los Gatos, United States
7.7"Wish they had an express return line for people who don't have a crap load of furniture to return... :("
Furniture and Home Store
· East Palo Alto, United States
7.3"The parking here is ridiculous"
Housing Development
· Santa Clara, United States
"Worth the 45 min wait. So glad we waited to go at night!"
· Santa Clara, United States