San Bernardino
1 List Created
2 Lists Created · 7 Tips
3 places updated June 17, 2012
3 places including Slick's, Target, Mill Creek Restaurant & Lounge
5 places updated November 11, 2021
5 places including Cardenas Markets, Wildwood park, Starbucks, 7-Eleven
3 places updated
3 places including 7-Eleven, Starbucks, Wildwood park
0 places updated
0 places
Toni's ListsLists Toni CreatedLists Toni Followed
"This place is slow, but the food is awesome!"
· Corona, United States
6.2"Never really much here in the way of kids toys, but you can always find some pretty awesome clothes/dresses/shoes there. 1 minute ago"
Vintage and Thrift Store
· Corona, United States
5.7"Watch out for the crackheads both in and outside of the store & don't give them your money!"
· Corona, United States
5.9"And watch out for the trash can diggers looking for soda cans."
Apartment or Condo
· Corona, United States
"Why do the pool hours on the pool gate say that it's open til midnight, yet security kicks you out at 9pm?"
Apartment or Condo
· Corona, United States
"This city isn't perfect, but it's way better than San Berna-ghetto!"