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7 places updated
7 places including Gedung PLA FBS UNY, Kedai Kopi, Perempatan Ring Road Gejayan, FBS UNY
6 places updated
6 places including Pendopo ISI Surakarta, Institut Seni Indonesia Surakarta, Sawah Resto, Tembi Rumah Budaya
Wening's ListsLists Wening CreatedLists Wening Followed
"first perform at this place..fiuuuuh"
· Surakarta, Indonesia
""suka tempatnya.." "belum sempat jelajah kampusnya ""
· Surakarta, Indonesia
"cokelat panasnya kurang lezat, tapi tempatnya cocok buat kumpul"
· Sleman, Indonesia
7.0""cozzy" apalagi kalau musim hujan plus musik jazz"
Art Gallery
· Bantul, Indonesia
8.0"Nonton performing art-nya, TA jadi agenda yg selalu ditungu-tungguu"
· Bantul, Indonesia
"The ancient place with her luxurious"
Historic and Protected Site
· Yogyakarta, Indonesia