20 favorite restaurants
The SeaHouse is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. The SeaHouse

1st Floor, Hulhumale Ferry Terminal (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), Male, Henveiru
Coffee Shop · Henveiru · 355 tips and reviews

Ahmed N.Ahmed Nazim: Best Cafe in town =D

Oxygen is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

2. Oxygen

H. Coral Reef (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Café · 172 tips and reviews
Shell Beans is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

3. Shell Beans

Jazeera Building (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), މާލެ, Maale
Coffee Shop · 117 tips and reviews
Seagull Café House is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

4. Seagull Café House

Seagull Café House (Fareedhee Magu), Male, Medhu Uthuru
Restaurant · Maafannu · 137 tips and reviews
Cafe' R4R is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

5. Cafe' R4R

M. Kuhlhavahge (Orchid Magu), މާލެ, Maale
Café · Maafannu · 52 tips and reviews
Dolphin View Café is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

6. Dolphin View Café

Alimas Ufaa (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), މާލެ, Maale
Café · 123 tips and reviews
City Garden is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

7. City Garden

Terranova (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), Male, Medhu Uthuru
Coffee Shop · Henveiru · 178 tips and reviews
Dinemore Garden is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

8. Dinemore Garden

Alimas Carnival (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), މާލެ
Fast Food Restaurant · Henveiru · 80 tips and reviews
LemonGrass SeaView is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

9. LemonGrass SeaView

Alimas Ufaa Carnival (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), Malé, Kaafu
Asian Restaurant · Henveiru · 89 tips and reviews
LemonGrass Fifth Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

10. LemonGrass Fifth Restaurant

Fareedhee Magu (Fareedhee Magu), Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Café · Maafannu · 52 tips and reviews
X-Fresh (Alibe Kada) is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

11. X-Fresh (Alibe Kada)

Harbor Kada # 1 (Kanba Aisa Rani Hingun), Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Café · 16 tips and reviews
Falls Café & Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

12. Falls Café & Restaurant

މާލެ, Maale
Café · 12 tips and reviews
Olive Garden is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

13. Olive Garden

Fareedhee Magu, Male, Maafannu
Café · 5 tips and reviews
Avista Café is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

14. Avista Café

(Ameenee Magu), Malé, Galolhu
Café · 52 tips and reviews
POD Café & Bistro is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

15. POD Café & Bistro

Kanbai Aisarani Higun, Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Café · 14 tips and reviews
Cocktail House is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

16. Cocktail House

މާލެ, Maale
Café · 10 tips and reviews
The Hive Café is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

17. The Hive Café

Cyprea New Building (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), Male, Medhu Uthuru
Café · Henveiru · 32 tips and reviews
Aïoli Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

18. Aïoli Restaurant

Lotus Goalhi, މާލެ, Maale
Café · 44 tips and reviews
Gourmet Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

19. Gourmet Restaurant

M. Raiyvilla (Fareedhee Magu), Male', Medhu Uthuru
Diner · 99 tips and reviews
Café World is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

20. Café World

Ma. Nylex (Chaandhanee Magu), Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Coffee Shop · 40 tips and reviews
South Seven Café is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

21. South Seven Café

Alimas Ufaa Carnival (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), Male, Medhu Uthuru
Food Court · Henveiru · 57 tips and reviews
Lily's is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

22. Lily's

Alimas Ufaa Carnival, މާލެ, Maale
Café · Henveiru · 88 tips and reviews
Riverside Cafe' is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

23. Riverside Cafe'

Boduthakurufaanu Magu, މާލެ, Maale
Café · 75 tips and reviews
The White House is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

24. The White House

(Hithaffinivaa Magu), މާލެ, Maale
Restaurant · 43 tips and reviews
The Royal Garden Café is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

25. The Royal Garden Café

Esjehi Gallery (Medhuziyaaraiyy Magu), Malé City, Henveyru
Restaurant · 86 tips and reviews
Underground is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

26. Underground

Underground (Dhanburuh Magu), Male, Medhu Uthuru
Café · 4 tips and reviews
City Tortellini is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

27. City Tortellini

Orchid Magu, މާލެ, Maale
Café · 28 tips and reviews
West Park Cafeteria is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

28. West Park Cafeteria

West Park (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), މާލެ, Maale
Restaurant · Maafannu · 112 tips and reviews
Café Al Fresco is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

29. Café Al Fresco

Minaa house, 8th & 9th floor (Orchid Magu), މާލެ, Maale
Café · Maafannu · 66 tips and reviews
Royal Park is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

30. Royal Park

(Maafaiythakurufaanu Magu), Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Coffee Shop · 47 tips and reviews
Palm Deck Restaurent is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

31. Palm Deck Restaurent

G. Ferose (Lonuziyaarai Magu), މާލެ, Maale
Coffee Shop · 73 tips and reviews
Jade Bistro is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

32. Jade Bistro

Boduthakurufaanu Magu, މާލެ, Maale
Bistro · 43 tips and reviews
Raanbaa Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

33. Raanbaa Restaurant

Shaheed Ali Hingun (Shaheed Ali Hingun), Male' City, Medhu Uthuru
Coffee Shop · Maafannu · 45 tips and reviews
Anacho is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

34. Anacho

Café · 1 tip

35. City Boulevard Cafe

Sosun Magu, މާލެ, Maale
Coffee Shop · 3 tips and reviews
Café Moha is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

36. Café Moha

(Ithaagoalhi), މާލެ, Maale
Café · 3 tips and reviews
Nasandhura Palace Hotel is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

37. Nasandhura Palace Hotel

(Boduthakufaanu Magu), މާލެ, Maale
Hotel · 25 tips and reviews
SpaceBar is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

38. SpaceBar

Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Coffee Shop · 6 tips and reviews
Food Bank Restaurent is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

39. Food Bank Restaurent

(Dhidhi Goalhi), މާލެ, Maale
Pizzeria · 20 tips and reviews
Symphony® Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

40. Symphony® Restaurant

Ma. Malefaru (Athamaa Goalhi), Male', Machchangolhi
Restaurant · 84 tips and reviews
Mariyaadhu Coffee Shop is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

41. Mariyaadhu Coffee Shop

Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, Hulhule, Medhu Uthuru
Airport Food Court · 14 tips and reviews
Dawn Café is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

42. Dawn Café

Haveeree Hingun, Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Café · 12 tips and reviews
Trends is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

43. Trends

Nasandhura Palace Hotel (Boduthakurufaan Magu), Male, Medhu Uthuru
Restaurant · Henveiru · 93 tips and reviews
Nice Food 1 is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

44. Nice Food 1

Alimas Carnival, Malé, Henveyru
Food Court · 40 tips and reviews

45. Spice Fusion

Ameenee Magu, މާލެ, Maale
Café · 2 tips and reviews
Monsoons Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

46. Monsoons Restaurant

G.Moonimaage (Dharumavantha Magu), Malé, Medhu Uthuru
Restaurant · 30 tips and reviews
Vilimalé Ferry Terminal (Vilimalé) is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

47. Vilimalé Ferry Terminal (Vilimalé)

Ranna Gimatha (Boduthakurufaanu Magu), މާލެ
Structure · 30 tips and reviews
MNU G-Block is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

48. MNU G-Block

Falhumathy Magu (Nikagas Magu), މާލެ, Maale
College Quad · 10 tips and reviews