Kavárna Lucerna is one of Prag.

1. Kavárna Lucerna

Štěpánská 704/61, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Café · Praha 1 · 68 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Great fin de siecle interior, a big beautiful bar, staff is not so good and the coffee was really bad

Wenceslas Square is one of Prag.

2. Wenceslas Square

(Václavské náměstí)
Václavské nám., Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Plaza · Nové Město · 286 tips and reviews

Henry L.Henry Lee: Wenceslas Square is dominated by shops, restos, & cafés. SE end: Wenceslas statue, memorials to the victims of communism, the National Museum, & Metro station Muzeum. NW and more open end: shopping.

St. Wenceslas Vineyard is one of Prag.

3. St. Wenceslas Vineyard

(Svatováclavská vinice)
Staré zámecké schody 6/251, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Vineyard · Hradčany · 18 tips and reviews

Markus S.Markus Säteri: Best view in the city complemented by wine from the vineyard!

Gallery of Steel Figures is one of Prag.

4. Gallery of Steel Figures

Celetná 596/15, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Art Gallery · Staré Město · 7 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: 13 Euro for the exhibtion really? Are you mad? I love the style and the sculptures at the entrance, but this is the most expensive fee for a single exhibition in whole prague main sights included.

Pasáž Lucerna is one of Prag.

5. Pasáž Lucerna

Štěpánská 704/61 (Vodičkova 704/36), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Shopping Plaza · Praha 1 · 12 tips and reviews

Luis G.Luis GC: Lots of shops, pubs and restaurants to discover

mibi's international cuisine is one of Prag.

6. mibi's international cuisine

Štěpánská 9, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Asian Restaurant · Nové Město · 8 tips and reviews

Nguyen T.Nguyen Thu: Very good food, nice service!

Franciscan garden is one of Prag.

7. Franciscan garden

(Františkánská zahrada)
Jungmannovo nám. (Vodičkova), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Garden · Praha 1 · 83 tips and reviews

MAD DAWN ChallengeMAD DAWN Challenge: A lovely escape from city hussle: take your book, cup of coffee, friends here any time from spring to autumn to enjoy vibrant greenery, flowers and a sense of being in a safe hub right in the center!

Michael Marionettes is one of Prag.

8. Michael Marionettes

Arts and Crafts Store · Malá Strana · 1 tip
Old Royal Palace is one of Prag.

9. Old Royal Palace

(Starý královský palác)
Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Palace · Hradčany · 29 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Uninspired, boring, and really bad exhibition, not worth seeing, confusing prohibitive signs everywhere, the explanations could not be read because the are on plexiglass...

St. George’s Basilica is one of Prag.

10. St. George’s Basilica

(Bazilika sv. Jiří)
nám. U Svatého Jiří 33/5a, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Church · Hradčany · 32 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: beautiful architecture outside and inside worth seeing but its a pitty that it is not possible to go upstairs

Golden Lane is one of Prag.

11. Golden Lane

(Zlatá ulička)
Zlatá ulička u Daliborky, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Road · Hradčany · 105 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: for me the main attraction in the Hradschin area. Medieval lane with many tiny houses furnitured historical through the centuries but not possible to enjoy if there are too many tourists in there

Villa Richter is one of Prag.

12. Villa Richter

Staré zámecké schody 251/6 (Na Opyši 251/3), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Modern European Restaurant · Hradčany · 91 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: a vinyard restaurant in the middle of the city, sensational view, good wine and very professional staff - the next time se try the food - the menue looked very good

Muzeum Karla Zemana is one of Prag.

13. Muzeum Karla Zemana

Saská 3 (Saský dvůr), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Museum · Malá Strana · 11 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: only one word - langweilig=boring. They should ask museum der Illusionen in Vienna how to present to the audience especially kids und adults who like to be kids woudn't like this

Zdenek's Oyster Bar is one of Prag.

14. Zdenek's Oyster Bar

Malá Štupartská 5, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Seafood Restaurant · Staré Město · 77 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: great seafood in a huge variety, excellent service, rather expensive, but worth trying for special events

Prague Masaryk Railway Station is one of Prag.

15. Prague Masaryk Railway Station

(Praha Masarykovo nádraží)
Hybernská 1014/13, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Rail Station · Nové Město · 37 tips and reviews
Průmyslový palác is one of Prag.

16. Průmyslový palác

Výstaviště 416, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Event Space · Praha 7 · 2 tips and reviews

Rudy T.Rudy Tauscher: Interesting venues and events, fairs

DOX Centre for Contemporary Art is one of Prag.

17. DOX Centre for Contemporary Art

(DOX Centrum současného umění)
Poupětova 793/1 (Osadní), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Art Gallery · Holešovice · 90 tips and reviews

In Your PocketIn Your Pocket: DOX is sure to make a splash on Prague’s still burgeoning contemporary art scene. The building itself is amazing – a mix of old metal factory and new build right in the heart of industrial Holešovice. Read more.

Cross Club is one of Prag.

18. Cross Club

Plynární 1096/23 (Argentinská), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Music Venue · Holešovice · 203 tips and reviews

Jason N.Jason N: Cross Club is definitely a unique clubbing experience you can only have in Prague. Trippy mechanical/industrial interior, cheap drinks, small dance floor, but plenty of places to chill.

Franz Kafka's Head is one of Prag.

19. Franz Kafka's Head

(Hlava Franze Kafky)
Vladislavova (Charvátova), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Outdoor Sculpture · Praha 1 · 78 tips and reviews

Lasse H.Lasse Hoffmann: Have a look, and take your time. The moving head is interesting to see - great for time lapse videos as well.

Old Town Hall is one of Prag.

20. Old Town Hall

(Staroměstská radnice)
Staroměstské nám. 1/3, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
History Museum · Staré Město · 58 tips and reviews

Luca P.Luca P.: Get to the top of the tower, and enjoy the view...

Museum Kampa is one of Prag.

21. Museum Kampa

U Sovových mlýnů 503/2, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Art Museum · Malá Strana · 43 tips and reviews

The TelegraphThe Telegraph: Stroll the Vltava river embankment and cross to Kampa Island and the grand art collection of Franti˘sek Kupka & Otto Gutfreund at Museum Kampa (entry £3). About £8 for gnocchi and wine at the café.

Kampa is one of Prag.

22. Kampa

Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Island · Malá Strana · 90 tips and reviews

ChciOdznáčkyChciOdznáčky: Kampa is an island in the Vltava river in central Prague on the side of Malá Strana. Charles Bridge crosses its northern tip and is connected to the island by the street Ulice na Kampě.

Franz Kafka Museum is one of Prag.

23. Franz Kafka Museum

Cihelná 2b, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Museum · Malá Strana · 147 tips and reviews If you love literature and the works of writer Franz Kafka, you must not miss this place. Here is where you'll find the writer's manuscripts, photos, drawings, and first edition books.

Apple Museum is one of Prag.

24. Apple Museum

Husova 21 (Karlova), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Museum · Staré Město · 77 tips and reviews

Tamara S.Tamara Seldon: Nice exhibition. S. Jobse´s atmosphere is smelling everywhere and such a beautiful and elegant interior. Thanks for the experience it was great :)

The Memorial to the Victims of Communism is one of Prag.

25. The Memorial to the Victims of Communism

(Pomník obětem komunismu)
Újezd, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Sculpture Garden · Malá Strana · 25 tips and reviews

Cizenbayan E.Cizenbayan Elif Tanverdi: The caption of the memorial itself gives you goosebumps. Read it on the left of the monument

Prague Main Railway Station is one of Prag.

26. Prague Main Railway Station

(Praha hlavní nádraží)
Wilsonova 300/8, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Rail Station · Praha 2 · 363 tips and reviews
Republic Square is one of Prag.

27. Republic Square

(Náměstí Republiky)
nám. Republiky, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Plaza · Nové Město · 85 tips and reviews

Susan L.Susan Loh: don't miss this on your visit! great market, street performers, and people watching. be sure to get the ridiculous melted cheese.

Old Town Bridge Tower is one of Prag.

29. Old Town Bridge Tower

(Staroměstská mostecká věž)
Křižovnické nám. 193/2a (Karlův most), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Monument · Staré Město · 29 tips and reviews

Marcel S.Marcel Schöne: Die wohl beste Aussicht in Prag. Auf der einen Seite die Karlsbrücke mit der Burg, auf der anderen die Altstadt.

Yaxi Taxi is one of Prag.

30. Yaxi Taxi

Masarykovo Nábřeží 8, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Boutique · Nové Město · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Ein geniales tschechisches Designergschäftl mit total innovativen Sachen. Leider schneidern die Leut so klein, dass ich beim Webshop individuell bestellen muss 😢

St. Vitus Cathedral is one of Prag.

31. St. Vitus Cathedral

(Katedrála sv. Víta)
III. nádvoří 48/2 (Vikářská), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Church · Hradčany · 273 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: impressive cathedral, architecture awesome and inside many side altars and beautiful ancient windows to discover, could only be enjoyed if there are not a lot of tourists inside

Old Town Square is one of Prag.

32. Old Town Square

(Staroměstské náměstí)
Staroměstské nám., Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Plaza · 515 tips and reviews

The TelegraphThe Telegraph: A must here with its mix of Baroque, Renaissance and Gothic façades. Take in the surreal 15th-century Astronomical Clock on one side and Saloun’s grimacing Protestant martyr in bronze on the other.

Střelecký ostrov is one of Prag.

33. Střelecký ostrov

Střelecký ostrov (Most Legií), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Island · Malá Strana · 66 tips and reviews

JohnJohn: Beautiful park in the middle of the river. Perfect if you wanna get a way from the crowd for a bit.

Prague Castle is one of Prag.

34. Prague Castle

(Pražský hrad)
Pražský hrad, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Castle · Hradčany · 488 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Take the tram number 22 to the last station here is the back entrance of Prag castle. There are less people than at the main entrance and the security check is organised within minutes

Charles Bridge is one of Prag.

35. Charles Bridge

(Karlův most)
Karlův most, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Bridge · Malá Strana · 813 tips and reviews

Marina N.Marina Natanova: Just the most amazing view in Prague and one of the most charming bridges in the world

Dancing House Hotel is one of Prag.

36. Dancing House Hotel

Jiráskovo nám. 1981/6, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Hotel · Nové Město · 14 tips and reviews

Michael B.Michael B.: I’m always fascinated when I see these houses. Beautiful architecture.

Dancing House is one of Prag.

37. Dancing House

(Tančící dům)
Jiráskovo nám. 1981/6 (Rašínovo nábř.), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Structure · Nové Město · 107 tips and reviews This is an architectural wonder that shouldn't be missed by all Prague visitors. Designed by Frank Gehry and Vlado Milunić, this is one of the finest examples of deconstructivist architecture.

Sex Machines Museum is one of Prag.

38. Sex Machines Museum

Melantrichova 476/18, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Erotic Museum · Staré Město · 79 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Very interesting museum with a great exhibition. Sex accessories through the centuries. Worth seeing!

Hotel 16 is one of Prag.

39. Hotel 16

Kateřinská 16, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Hotel · Praha 2 · 5 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Hier gibt es das perfekteste freundlichste Personal, das ich je erlebt hab. Fragt nach Zimmer 12, hat als einziges einen Privatgarten. Frühstück supa, Lage nicht direkt in Prag1 aber gut, Zimmer top

Galerie Rudolfinum is one of Prag.

40. Galerie Rudolfinum

Alšovo nábř. 79/12, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Art Museum · Staré Město · 20 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Großartiges Gebäude und Ausstellungen zur modernen Kunst derzeit "A cool breeze " sensationell - außerdem Eintritt gratis

Rudolfinum is one of Prag.

41. Rudolfinum

Alšovo nábř. 79/12, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Structure · Staré Město · 38 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Great architecture reminds of the MAK in vienna and in summertimes very interesting art exhibitions inside

Malostranska Beerhouse is one of Prag.

42. Malostranska Beerhouse

Malostranské nám. 260/11, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Malá Strana · 15 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: the third time here and we were very content, staff is friendly quick and professional, the food was good, great variety of good beers

Restaurace U Šumavy is one of Prag.

43. Restaurace U Šumavy

Štěpánská 543/3, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Nové Město · 35 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: great selection of local beers a small variety of local czech dishes which are very good and really very very cheap here

Café Mánes is one of Prag.

44. Café Mánes

Mánesuv most, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Café · Staré Město · 2 tips and reviews

Florian W.Florian Wolter: Top-Lage! 😎👌