Mall of Dhahran is one of Khobar.

1. Mall of Dhahran

(مجمع الظهران)
Dhahran Street (Prince Faisal bin Fahd Rd), Dhahran, Eastern
Shopping Mall · 1191 tips and reviews

Aziz S.Aziz Saud: My favorite walking track in the city!

Alkhobar Domestic is one of Khobar.

2. Alkhobar Domestic

(الخبر دومستك)
(العليا Olaya Ulaya), Khobar, Eastern
Middle Eastern Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews

Aziz S.Aziz Saud: مؤخراً تغيرت الشاورما عندهم وماعادت زي اول. اقل من عادي.