Everyday restaurants
Výčep is one of Everyday restaurants.

1. Výčep

Korunní 1304/92, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Pub · Vinohrady · 27 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: I would say I had the best meal and lemonade in my whole life there. Even though it’s expensive restaurant, it’s worth it. Restaurant is reminiscent of an old bar from the Soviet era in modern way.

Statek 1738 is one of Everyday restaurants.

2. Statek 1738

Dušníky nad Vltavou 10, Dušníky nad Vltavou, Středočeský
Inn · 2 tips and reviews
The Eatery is one of Everyday restaurants.

3. The Eatery

U Uranie 954/18, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Modern European Restaurant · Holešovice · 19 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Modern and kinda luxury restaurant with plenty of seating where they cook meals just in front of the people. Service and food is just great there. Ideal place for business lunch.

500 restaurant is one of Everyday restaurants.

4. 500 restaurant

Na Valech 16, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Italian Restaurant · Dejvice · 128 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Very nice looking place with high quality meals. Even basic meal like fried cheese is better than in other restaurants.

Zámecká konírna is one of Everyday restaurants.

5. Zámecká konírna

Tanvaldská 49, Vratislavice nad Nisou, Liberecký
Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Definitely one the best restaurants in Liberec. It’s a nice place for any occasion. Their goulash (guláš) is the best goulash you can eat, they have even won award for best goulash.

La Farma is one of Everyday restaurants.

6. La Farma

Čáslavská 2027/5, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · Praha 3 · 13 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Restaurant is nice, clean and offers high quality meals. The food is really good there but a bit more expensive than in other restaurants and portions are relatively small.

Kuchyň is one of Everyday restaurants.

7. Kuchyň

Hradčanské nám. 186/1, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Hradčany · 46 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Great restaurant with outdoor seating that offers view at Prague castle and whole city of Prague. Although the food is overpriced due to the location, it’s great. Ideal place for any occasion.

St. Martin is one of Everyday restaurants.

8. St. Martin

Vlašská 358/7, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · Malá Strana · 43 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Cozy restaurant with lots of indoor seating and beautiful outdoor seating in the courtyard. It’s an ideal place for date. We all recommend fried cheese which is really good there.

Home Kitchen is one of Everyday restaurants.

9. Home Kitchen

Jankovcova 1596/14a, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Bistro · Holešovice · 102 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Modern spacious restaurant with outdoor and indoor seating. They serve several different dishes that all look very good and taste good as well, just a bit more expensive. Coffee is good as well.

Osika Restaurant is one of Everyday restaurants.

10. Osika Restaurant

Osiková 2882/4 (Habrová), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · Praha 3 · 17 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Osika is the best restaurant in this neighborhood. I’ve been there a hundred times and I’ve never been disappointed by their food, it has always been delicious.

Carosello is one of Everyday restaurants.

11. Carosello

Černokostelecká 1100/68, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Mexican Restaurant · Strašnice · 86 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Great Mexican restaurant with plenty of seating inside and outside. Quesadilla was fabulous and enormous, so I recommend to order only half portion. Free car parking is available.

Villa Bílý Mlýn is one of Everyday restaurants.

12. Villa Bílý Mlýn

Svobody 295/30 (Zvolenská), Liberec, Liberecký
Mediterranean Restaurant · Starý Harcov · 21 tips and reviews
Steakgrill is one of Everyday restaurants.

13. Steakgrill

Račiněves 189, Roudnice nad Labem, Ústecký
Steakhouse · 28 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Huge restaurant in the middle of nowhere. You can expect high quality lunch menu for reasonable price and quite expensive steaks which are recommended by many. Also homemade lemonades are quite good.

Dvorek Karlín is one of Everyday restaurants.

14. Dvorek Karlín

Křižíkova 65a (vnitroblok), Praha 8, Hlavní město Praha
Bistro · Karlín · 5 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Huge modern restaurant with both indoor and outdoor seating available. It’s an ideal place for both individuals and large groups. They make all kinds of meals, all looked and tasted good.

Mikrofarma is one of Everyday restaurants.

15. Mikrofarma

nám. Jiřího z Poděbrad 9, Praha 3, Hlavní město Praha
Butcher · Vinohrady · 27 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Mikrofarma is butcher shop with small bistro. You can expect very good meals with high quality meat. Their burgers are not as fancy as in burger bars but emphasize the taste of meat.

Bufet is one of Everyday restaurants.

16. Bufet

U Nádražní lávky 81/2, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Bistro · Karlín · 3 tips and reviews
Kulaťák is one of Everyday restaurants.

17. Kulaťák

Vítězné nám. 820/12, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Gastropub · Dejvice · 173 tips and reviews
Kozlovna U Plechandy is one of Everyday restaurants.

18. Kozlovna U Plechandy

Svatotrojická 164, Písek, Jihočeský
Czech Restaurant · 46 tips and reviews

19. Kozlovna U Paukerta

Národní 17, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Staré Město · 54 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Ordinary restaurant with draft beers and relatively good meals for reasonable prices. Plenty of seating is available there, so it’s ideal for meeting of large groups of people.

Vinohradský parlament is one of Everyday restaurants.

20. Vinohradský parlament

Korunní 820/1, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Praha 2 · 324 tips and reviews
Vinohradský pivovar is one of Everyday restaurants.

21. Vinohradský pivovar

Korunní 106, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Brewery · Vršovice · 114 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Vinohradský pivovar is ideal place where to meet with friends. There is plenty of seating, good meals and wide variety of craft beers.

Stejkárna Orionka is one of Everyday restaurants.

22. Stejkárna Orionka

Říčanská 7, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Steakhouse · Vršovice · 26 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Stejkárna is good restaurant with a great meat. Even though it is not burger bar, their burgers are quite good. During lunch time, burgers are quite cheap.

Stejkárna is one of Everyday restaurants.

23. Stejkárna

Veletržní 5 (U Smaltovny), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Steakhouse · Holešovice · 90 tips and reviews
Gilda is one of Everyday restaurants.

24. Gilda

nám. Jiřího z Poděbrad 1659/10 (Laubova 1659/2), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Tapas Restaurant · Praha 3 · 6 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Modern spacious tapas restaurant that prepares very good food. I had a quesadilla and a homemade lemonade and both were perfect.

U Tellerů is one of Everyday restaurants.

25. U Tellerů

Řipská 1677/27, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Modern European Restaurant · Praha 3 · 10 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Nice, clean and spacious restaurant ideal for everyday lunch. Average price for lunch meal is around 160 CZK. Goulash with bacon dumplings was great. Raspberry lemonade as well.

Kolkovna Argentinská is one of Everyday restaurants.

26. Kolkovna Argentinská

U garáží 1611/1, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Holešovice · 37 tips and reviews
Kolkovna Celnice is one of Everyday restaurants.

27. Kolkovna Celnice

V Celnici 1036/4, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Nové Město · 195 tips and reviews
Pepř a sůl is one of Everyday restaurants.

28. Pepř a sůl

Krátkého 143/1 (Zbuzkova), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · Vysočany · 22 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Nice restaurant that offers good meals. Place is not so spacious but crowded during the lunchtime, so it’s better to make a reservation prior to lunch.

SOU100 Žižkov is one of Everyday restaurants.

29. SOU100 Žižkov

Štítného 11/625 (Cimburkova), Praha 3, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · 11 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Ordinary and spacious restaurant ideal for everyday lunches and for low prices. Lunch menu for such a low price is quite good.

Mistro is one of Everyday restaurants.

30. Mistro

Moskevská 366/23, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Modern European Restaurant · Vršovice · 23 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Luxury modern restaurant with nice interior. Meal looked really good, tasted good and cost a lot. If I compare taste and price, food is overpriced there.

La Bottega Gastronomica is one of Everyday restaurants.

31. La Bottega Gastronomica

Ondříčkova 1234/17, Praha 3, Hlavní město Praha
Gourmet Store · 83 tips and reviews
Dejvický bulvár is one of Everyday restaurants.

32. Dejvický bulvár

Terronská 725/11 (Verdunská), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Gastropub · Bubeneč · 1 tip
Potrefená husa is one of Everyday restaurants.

33. Potrefená husa

Národní 364/39, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Staré Město · 282 tips and reviews
Restaurace a penzion Starý Mlýn is one of Everyday restaurants.

34. Restaurace a penzion Starý Mlýn

Rožany 36, Šluknov, Ústecký
Eastern European Restaurant · 2 tips and reviews
Terasa T-Anker is one of Everyday restaurants.

35. Terasa T-Anker

nám. Republiky 656/8 (Králodvorská), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Beer Garden · Staré Město · 153 tips and reviews
Lokál Hamburk is one of Everyday restaurants.

36. Lokál Hamburk

Sokolovská 81/55 (U Nádražní lávky), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Pub · Karlín · 127 tips and reviews
Lokál U Bílé kuželky is one of Everyday restaurants.

37. Lokál U Bílé kuželky

Míšeňská 66/12 (Dražického), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Pub · Malá Strana · 242 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Lokál is a guarantee of certainty. You can sit here both inside on the ground floor and in the basement, or with a beer outside on the sidewalk. Pilsner beer and good food are a matter of course here.

Porke is one of Everyday restaurants.

38. Porke

Kubelíkova 1123/33 (Chvalova 1123/2), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Modern European Restaurant · Praha 3 · 10 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Interesting restaurant with pleasant service. I had Korean Lángos there. Lángos was stiffer but combination of ingredients on top of Lángos was fabulous. Homemade lemonade was great.

Cafe Frida is one of Everyday restaurants.

39. Cafe Frida

Karlínské náměstí 399/11, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Café · Karlín · 83 tips and reviews
Kofein is one of Everyday restaurants.

40. Kofein

Nitranská 9, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Tapas Restaurant · Praha 3 · 214 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Good restaurant located underground. You can find good lunch menu for 200 CZK there, including soup, main meal and drink. The only issue was that it took waitress several minutes to serve me.

Malešický mikropivovar is one of Everyday restaurants.

41. Malešický mikropivovar

Malešická 126/50, Praha 10 - Malešice, Hlavní město Praha
Brewery · Malešice · 61 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Good restaurant with reasonable prices during lunch time. Restaurant is part of brewery, so you can find both local beers and beers from another breweries there.

Koliba u dobrého pastiera is one of Everyday restaurants.

42. Koliba u dobrého pastiera

Čremošná 8684, Ružomberok, Žilinský kraj
Eastern European Restaurant · 68 tips and reviews
U Medvěda is one of Everyday restaurants.

43. U Medvěda

Vysoká 20, Jablonec nad Nisou, Liberecký
Steakhouse · 25 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Unexpectedly good steak house. Although the place looks like an ordinary restaurant and the presentation of the food is nothing special, the steaks and sauces are just perfect.

Sabroso is one of Everyday restaurants.

44. Sabroso

Nad Primaskou 35, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Mexican Restaurant · Strašnice · 25 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: I don’t typically eat Mexican food, but meals in Sabroso seems really good and this lunch meal was really good and for reasonable price. Although the place was crowded, food was ready in few minutes.

Moje místo is one of Everyday restaurants.

45. Moje místo

28. pluku 119/33, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Café · Vršovice · 7 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Quite nice restaurant with good meals, drinks and nice service. Ideal place for everyday lunch.

Holešovická Sedma is one of Everyday restaurants.

46. Holešovická Sedma

Dukelských hrdinů 696/43, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · Holešovice · 18 tips and reviews
Hostinec Nad Šárkou is one of Everyday restaurants.

47. Hostinec Nad Šárkou

Evropská 209/134, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · Praha 6 · 28 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: If you wanna hang out with your friends in typical Czech restaurant and have a beer and beef tartare, this is the place for you.

Krystal Bistro is one of Everyday restaurants.

48. Krystal Bistro

Sokolovská 101/99, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Bistro · Karlín · 209 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: Restaurant that serves fairly good Czech food. I had the veal schnitzel with potato salad and homemade lemonade, it was good but maybe a bit more expensive than I would have expected for a schnitzel.

Hostinec Na Kopečku is one of Everyday restaurants.

49. Hostinec Na Kopečku

Horská 174, Horní Maršov, Královéhradecký kraj
Czech Restaurant · 20 tips and reviews
Stará Hospoda is one of Everyday restaurants.

50. Stará Hospoda

Doubice 172, Doubice
Gastropub · 28 tips and reviews
Pivovar Cvikov is one of Everyday restaurants.

51. Pivovar Cvikov

Pivovarská 405, Cvikov
Brewery · 18 tips and reviews
Kohoutek is one of Everyday restaurants.

52. Kohoutek

Slezská 780/49 (Řipská), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · Praha 3 · 5 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: I have mixed feelings about this place, having visited it only once. Place itself looks modern and clean, presented food on their media looks great. However, schnitzel with fries was quite oily.

Piccola Italia is one of Everyday restaurants.

53. Piccola Italia

Jana Želivského 1790/35 (Biskupcova), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Italian Restaurant · Praha 3 · 8 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: It seems like ordinary restaurant on first glance, but you can expect great service there. Expect homemade bread with butter before eating, grating fresh cheese by service at the table and good meals.

Vidličky a nože is one of Everyday restaurants.

54. Vidličky a nože

Vinohradská 1510/228, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Czech Restaurant · Strašnice · 23 tips and reviews
Smíchovské vidličky a nože is one of Everyday restaurants.

55. Smíchovské vidličky a nože

Vodní 11 (V Lesíčku), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · Smíchov · 92 tips and reviews
Radniční sklípek is one of Everyday restaurants.

56. Radniční sklípek

nám. Dr. Edvarda Beneše 1, Liberec, Liberecký
Czech Restaurant · 25 tips and reviews
Smíchovský radniční sklípek is one of Everyday restaurants.

57. Smíchovský radniční sklípek

Preslova 553/4, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Gastropub · Smíchov · 109 tips and reviews
Kozlovna U dvou koček is one of Everyday restaurants.

58. Kozlovna U dvou koček

Czech Restaurant · 18 tips and reviews
Chicago Bar & Grill is one of Everyday restaurants.

59. Chicago Bar & Grill

Dr. Milady Horákové 391/1 (MHD Fügnerova), Liberec, Liberecký
Burger Joint · 89 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: I would say Chicago is generally great place to have lunch or dinner. Their meals are good and tasty. Burgers are not great, but they are good. Wraps, plates with fries and meat are great.

Steak House Liberec is one of Everyday restaurants.

60. Steak House Liberec

Blažkova 654/1, Liberec, Liberecký
Steakhouse · 23 tips and reviews
U Houmra is one of Everyday restaurants.

61. U Houmra

Šumavská 47/20, Praha 2, Hlavní město Praha
Restaurant · 45 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: It is said that the best fried cheese in Prague is prepared here. And I think they're right. Beer and fried cheese is a great combination for an evening out with friends.

Café bar Lampičky is one of Everyday restaurants.

62. Café bar Lampičky

Hartigova 1886/173 (Strážní), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Café · Praha 3 · 13 tips and reviews

Bedřich S.Bedřich Schindler: It's exactly the kind of restaurant that doesn't stand out, but you keep coming back for lunch. Lunch meals are quite good at reasonable prices. You can find lunch menu on their social networks.

Radegastovna Kolbenka is one of Everyday restaurants.

63. Radegastovna Kolbenka

Kolbenova 659/16, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Gastropub · Vysočany · 4 tips and reviews
Gril U Šesti Kohoutů is one of Everyday restaurants.

64. Gril U Šesti Kohoutů

Tržní náměstí 657, Liberec, Liberecký
Bistro · No tips or reviews