Jay Peak

1. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

John R.John Rukavina: Don’t take the chair without a balaclava, or your nose will fall off.

2. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

Chad M.Chad Meigs: Best glades in the East

3. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

Vincent F.Vincent Filby: Wicked glades and tons of powder. Stick to the glades that is where the action is.

4. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

Skiing MagazineSkiing Magazine: Take the Tram for views from the top, super-expert terrain off the summit, to stay warm and just because it’s cool; but the Green Mountain Flier usually offers quicker access to all but the summit.

Jay Peak Resort is one of Jay Peak.

5. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

Josh F.Josh Farber: On AT&T? You're close enough to the Canadian border to get a stronger signal from ROGERS instead of AT&T. Make sure you have roaming turned off, otherwise data is a whopping $15.36/MB.

6. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

Michelle C.Michelle Chin: For a great relaxing trail through some trees, Kokomo is the way to go

7. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

Kristen F.Kristen Fiocco: Lots of things to jump off and you gotta ski trees all day when you hit up Jay

8. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

9. Jay Peak Resort

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Resort and Area · 41 tips and reviews

Christine F.Christine Fiske: Pump house waterpark is awesome for all ages. Buy discounted tix in advance on liftopia.com

Flyer Express Quad is one of Jay Peak.

10. Flyer Express Quad

Jay, VT
Ski Chairlift · 1 tip
Jet Triple is one of Jay Peak.

11. Jet Triple

Jay, VT
Ski Chairlift · 1 tip
Metro Quad is one of Jay Peak.

12. Metro Quad

Jay, VT
Ski Chairlift · 1 tip
Tower Bar is one of Jay Peak.

13. Tower Bar

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Apres Ski Bar · 18 tips and reviews
Le Chute At The Pump House is one of Jay Peak.

14. Le Chute At The Pump House

North Troy, VT
Swimming Pool · 2 tips and reviews
Jay Peak Pump House Waterpark is one of Jay Peak.

15. Jay Peak Pump House Waterpark

830 Jay Peak Rd, Jay Peak, VT
Water Park · 14 tips and reviews
The Drink at The Pump House is one of Jay Peak.

16. The Drink at The Pump House

North Troy, VT
Apres Ski Bar · 3 tips and reviews
Jay, VT is one of Jay Peak.

17. Jay, VT

Jay, VT
Town · No tips or reviews
Jay Country Store is one of Jay Peak.

18. Jay Country Store

1077 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Grocery Store · 5 tips and reviews
Jay Peak Stateside Lodge is one of Jay Peak.

19. Jay Peak Stateside Lodge

Jay Peak Resort, Jay, VT
Ski Lodge · 8 tips and reviews
Tram Haus Lodge is one of Jay Peak.

20. Tram Haus Lodge

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
Ski Lodge · 2 tips and reviews
Hotel Jay is one of Jay Peak.

21. Hotel Jay

4500 Route 242, Orleans, VT
Hotel · 3 tips and reviews
Jay Village Inn is one of Jay Peak.

22. Jay Village Inn

1078 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
American Restaurant · 14 tips and reviews
Clubhouse Grille is one of Jay Peak.

23. Clubhouse Grille

4850 VT Route 242, Jay, VT
American Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews
Flyer Express Quad is one of Jay Peak.

24. Flyer Express Quad

Jay, VT
Ski Chairlift · 1 tip

Trevor S.Trevor Spedden: The fastest and most comfortable chairlift at Jay Peak.