Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill
City of Philadelphia is one of Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill.

1. City of Philadelphia

City · 91 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: aka Hogsmeade -- well, at least Oct. 14-16 anyway

2. Morris Arboretum

100 E Northwestern Ave (btwn Stenton Ave & Germantown Ave), Philadelphia, PA
Garden · Chestnut Hill · 32 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Don’t forget to cast your vote for your favorite Harry Potter themed scarecrow at Morris Arboretum! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill from Oct. 14th – 16th

3. Chestnut Hill College

9601 Germantown Ave (at Northwestern Ave), Philadelphia, PA
University · Chestnut Hill · 11 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Attention wizards & witches! (And muggles too!) Visit Chestnut Hill College from Oct. 15-16 to watch the 2nd Annual Philadelphia Brotherly Love Quidditch Cup Tournament. FREE & open to the public

4. Tavern on the Hill

8636 Germantown Ave (at Bethlehem Rd), Philadelphia, PA
Bar · Chestnut Hill · 20 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Tavern on the Hill? Are you mad? This is the Hogshead! Stop by from 7-9pm Friday, Oct. 14 during the Chestnut Hill Harry Potter Pub Crawl. Cheers! Harry Potter Weekend at Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

5. McNally's Tavern

8634 Germantown Ave (near Bethlehem Pike), Philadelphia, PA
Pub · Chestnut Hill · 39 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Hear that? The Leakey Cauldron’s not in London anymore! Stop in and taste our Butterbeer – brewed specially for Harry Potter Weekend, Oct. 14-16. Cheers! (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic available)

6. Campbell's Place

8337 Germantown Ave (Gravers Ln), Philadelphia, PA
American Restaurant · Chestnut Hill · 19 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Swing by The Three Broomsticks on your stroll through Hogsmeade from 7-9pm on Friday, Oct. 14 during the Harry Potter Pub Crawl. Cheers! Harry Potter Weekend at Chestnut Hhill Oct. 14-16

7. Chestnut Hill Grill

8229 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
American Restaurant · Chestnut Hill · 24 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Grab a drink at the Hogsmeade Grill from 7-9pm Friday, Oct. 14th during the Harry Potter Pub Crawl. Cheers! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

8. Chestnut Hill Grill

8229 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
American Restaurant · Chestnut Hill · 24 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Is that Nearly Headless Nick? Perhaps it was the Bloody Barron… Participate in the Ghost Tour on Friday, Oct. 14 during Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill. Tour leaves from Hogsmeade Grill at 8pm

9. Woodmere Art Museum

9201 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Art Gallery · Chestnut Hill · 9 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Can you find your way out of the Owl’s Eye Hay Maze at Woodmere Art Museum? Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14th – 16th; maze open Sat 10-6, Sun 10-5

10. Norwood-Fontbonne Academy

8891 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Private School · Chestnut Hill · 2 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Need to step up your flying skills? Can’t hit a bludger like a pro? Stop by the Norwood Fontebonne Academy on Sunday, Oct. 16 at 11am for Quidditch 101 with the Chestnut Hill College Quidditch Team!

11. Stella Sera

8630 Germantown Ave (Germantown Ave & Bethlehem Pike), Philadelphia, PA
Italian Restaurant · Chestnut Hill · 3 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Glasses, redhead and a girl? Those three stopped in here at Obertellie’s Eating House last week. All playing with funny lookin’ sticks, they were… Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

12. Robertson's Flowers & Events

8501 Germantown Ave (at E Highland Ave), Philadelphia, PA
Flower Store · Chestnut Hill · 4 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Need help repotting mandrakes or trimming tentacula leaves? Stop by the Hogwarts Greenhouse for Herbology lessons with Prof. Sprout on Oct. 15 from 10-5. Harry Potter Wknd in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

13. Stagecrafters

8130 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Theater · Chestnut Hill · 4 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Expelliarmus! Reducto! EXPECTO PATRONUM!! Visit Stagecrafters Theater on Sat. Oct. 15 at 12:30pm for a wicked Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14th–16th

14. Stagecrafters

8130 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Theater · Chestnut Hill · 4 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Watch Hedwig the Owl take flight outside of Stagecrafters Theater on Saturday from 1-3pm! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

15. Valley Green Bank

7226 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Structure · West Mount Airy · 1 tip

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Clever as they come, goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Stop by the Valley Green-gotts Bank during Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill, Oct 14-16. Are you brave enough to face the goblin?

16. Baker Street Bread Co

8009 Germantown Ave (Willow Grove), Philadelphia, PA
Bakery · Chestnut Hill · 4 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: What is that smell? The Hogwarts kitchen elves must be at it again! Stop by Baker Street Bread Co. to pick up a loaf of their Butterbeer Bread – specially made for Harry Potter Weekend! Oct. 14-16

17. Kitchen Kapers

8528 Germantown Ave (Evergreen), Philadelphia, PA
Miscellaneous Store · Chestnut Hill · 2 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Find all your tools for concocting deliciously magical treats at Potage’s Cauldron Shop! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

18. The Bone Appetite

8505 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Pet Supplies Store · Chestnut Hill · 3 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: While we’re out o' creatures ‘ere at the Magical Menagerie, you can still stock up on gourmet treats ‘n goodies for your pups! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

19. Fabrics On The Hill

8434 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Arts and Crafts Store · Chestnut Hill · 1 tip

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Stop by Madam Malkin’s Robes for all Occasions and pick out a fabric for your new set of dress robes – can you do the Hippogriff? Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

20. Zipfs Candies

8437 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Dessert Shop · Chestnut Hill · 2 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Satisfy your sweet tooth at Honeydukes sweetshop during your visit to Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill, Oct. 14-16. Yum!

21. El Quetzal

Philadelphia, PA
Boutique · Chestnut Hill · 2 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Don’t miss out on Phoenix Feather Hair Braiding and Witches’ Balls at The Phoenix Feather during Harry Potter Weekend at Chestnut Hill, Oct. 14-16!

22. Night Kitchen Bakery

7725 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Bakery · Chestnut Hill · 13 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Choose from an assortment of teas to sip on while you enjoy a tasty Potter-themed cupcake--specially made for Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill, Oct. 14-16--at Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop!

23. O'Doodle's

8335 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Toy Store · Chestnut Hill · 3 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Stop by Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes during Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill, Oct. 14-16!

24. John Story Jenks Elementary School

Elementary School · Chestnut Hill · 2 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: That’s barbaric! No, that’s Wizard’s Chess. Stop by J.S. Jenks Elementary School for a live Wizard’s Chess tournament from 1-3pm, Sunday, Oct. 16th. Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

25. Bredenbeck's Bakery

8126 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Bakery · Chestnut Hill · 23 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Fancy a tasty treat? Decorate your own cookie at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour on Sunday at 3pm! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

26. Chestnut Hill Business Association

16 E Highland Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Office · Chestnut Hill · 5 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: The First Annual Hogsmeade Village Harry Potter Costume Contest and Costume Parade will take place at the Ministry of Magic at 2pm on Sunday, Oct. 16th! Harry Potter Wknd in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

27. City of Philadelphia

City · 91 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Are you ready for Harry Potter Weekend 2011? Visit http://tinyurl.com/HPwkndCH for more details. October 14th-16th

28. Chestnut Hill Business Association

16 E Highland Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Office · Chestnut Hill · 5 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Presented by The Leaky Cauldron (McNally's Tavern,) the Scavenger Hung for Young Witches and Wizards begins at 12pm on Sunday, Oct. 16 outside the Ministry of Magic! (CHBA)

29. Chestnut Hill Camera Shop

8614 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Camera Store · Chestnut Hill · 3 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Want to capture the best moments of the Quidditch Tournament? Then you'll want to stop by the Telescope Shop (C.H. Camera) during your visit to Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill, Oct. 14-16.

30. Caleb Meyer

8520 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Jewelry Store · Chestnut Hill · 1 tip

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Swing by Gold n' Galleons and pick up a gift for that special witch or wizard in your life. (I hear some are even Goblin-made!) Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

31. Chestnut Hill Sports Inc

8628 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Sporting Goods Retail · Chestnut Hill · No tips or reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Whomping Willow snapped your broom again, eh? Lucky for you, this here is Quality Quidditch Supplies! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14th–16th

32. Omaha Steaks

8518 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Uncategorized · Chestnut Hill · 2 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Look no further than Hagrid's Hut for fine cuts of meat! (He doesn't only use them to tend to welts from Grawp...) Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

33. Balance | Chestnut Hill

5 E Highland Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Gym and Studio · Chestnut Hill · No tips or reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Practice for your next Quidditch match with Balance Gym! You never know what sort of jinxes will be cast on the pitch... Saturday Oct. 15 from 12-3pm. Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

34. Mango

8442 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Boutique · Chestnut Hill · 2 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Psst! Don't be afraid of the Shreiking Shack -- it's just a charm to ward off Death Eaters from getting to all of the good things we keep inside! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

35. Artisans on the Avenue

8440 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Boutique · Chestnut Hill · 2 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Narcissa Malfoy just told me that Madam Malkin’s has gone to the mudbloods. Rubbish! Although, Twilfit & Tattings made a pretty galleon off of her… Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

36. 3000BC WellMed Spa

8439 Germantown Ave (on the corner of Highland and Germantown), Philadelphia, PA
Spa · Chestnut Hill · 5 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Visit Slug & Jiggers Apothecary to find all the spells and potions to make you a relaxed witch or wizard. Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

37. Delphine Gallery

8435 Germantown Ave, Pennsylvania
Jewelry Store · Chestnut Hill · 1 tip

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: You'll find the Delphine Gallary on Grimmauld Place! That is, if the secret-keeper told you where to find it... Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

38. The Paperia

8521 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Office Supply Store · Chestnut Hill · 1 tip

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: You Hogwarts students are always snapping your quills & losing parchment. No worries! Stop by the Quill Shop to stock up on all your writing supplies. Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

39. Chestnut 7

8201 Germantown Ave (East Hartwell Lane), Philadelphia, PA
American Restaurant · Chestnut Hill · 13 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Stop by The Burrow from 7-9pm on Oct. 14 during the Chestnut Hill Harry Potter Pub Crawl. Dine on foods and brews straight from the Weasley's kitchen! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

40. Chestnut Hill

Philadelphia, PA
Neighborhood · 10 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Come to NEWT Potions and find all sorts of items to use in your NEWT level Potions and Herbology classes! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

41. Diamond Spa

8430 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Spa · Chestnut Hill · 3 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Did you know? Sacharissa Tugwood was the first witch to use beauty potions. Visit Tugwood's Beauty Potions for all your beauty needs! (Now specializing in Weasleys' Wizard Wheezing product reversal)

42. Gravers Lane Gallery

Philadelphia, PA
Art Gallery · Chestnut Hill · 1 tip

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Floo Network mishap? Lucky for you, you've landed in the nicer end of Knockturn Alley at Gravers Lane Gallery! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

43. Roller's Express-O

8341 Germantown Ave (at Gravers Ln), Philadelphia, PA
Café · Chestnut Hill · 7 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: Late nights prepping for your upcoming O.W.L. or N.E.W.T. exam? Swing by Hogwarts Expresso for a nice hot drink to help you through your studies! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

44. The Little Treehouse Cafe

10 W Gravers Ln, Philadelphia, PA
Arts and Entertainment · Chestnut Hill · 11 tips and reviews

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: The Great Hall is where all the young Hogwarts students go to feast and catch up with friends. (Unless you're like Hermione -- then you go to study!) Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16

45. The Tangled Web

7709 Germantown Ave, Philadelphia, PA
Arts and Crafts Store · Chestnut Hill · 1 tip

Chestnut H.Chestnut Hill: No yarn left in the house but your charmed knitting needles still working away? Drop by The Tangled Web on Spinner's End for all your knitting needs! Harry Potter Weekend in Chestnut Hill Oct. 14-16