Chris Cegielski: "Great little park just north of the torpedo factory to chill out in. The trees right along the river provide enough shade to kick back and relax under."
Camille Shulman: "This is my yarn heaven! This place has turned me into a yarn snob. You can tell that all the staff is passionate and knowledgable about all yarn crafts. Check out their website for events and classes"
Rachel Orr: "Great hotel! Was surprised with a stay for my birthday. Loved the colonial style, real keys instead of key cards, amazing service. Will definitely stay here again. I highly recommend!"
Panorama Drew Edwards: "Must haves include the Yami yami roll, Pink Lady roll, Dynamite Roll, St. Thomas Roll, and the Chicken Teriyaki. Customer service is great although the restaurant is rather small and intimate."
Chris: "Cell phone reception while inside Trader Joes is practically non-existent most of the time due to the structure above. Make sure you aren't relying on your phone to shop there."
jeyo: "Favorite neighborhood grocery store. As long as you stick to your basics, it's really quite affordable. Just don't go crazy with specialty stuff."
Supermarket 7905 Hilltop Village Center Dr Alexandria, VA
People also say (20 tips):
John Amschler: "Great grocery store that will work with you to stock the items you want. Lots of healthier fast food options to eat in store if you're hungry while shopping."
Brian Wells: "Best. Grocery. Store. Ever. The fresh salmon is hard to beat, and they offer it from many different locations."
Robyn: "Love it here, so much to do! Good eats and tons of neat shops. Take a stroll on the Mount Vernon Trail, or rent a bike and ride into DC."
Shayla Alcantara: "If you like variety then old town is definitely the best place to go. Summer time is amazing because of the waterfront and the restaurants located on the waterfront provide a beautiful experience."