Larry Langlais: "I bet you can not pick a bad thing to eat or bad glass of wine. They all look so amazing I wish I could sit here and try them all. I have the red wine from Collonge and it’s perfect."
D E: "Teeny screen and not enough sound to drown out the drunk folks all around you talking & texting during the whole show. Great drinks and tasty popcorn. Go for the experience, not the movie itself."
Drew Milam: "Good happy hour and Sunday drink specials. Quality food, awesome whiskey/bourbon list, and always “no crap on tap”. Great neighborhood spot or casual location to watch a game."
Eater: "Sushi joints are a dime a dozen in this city, but Shiro's will always be at the top of the heap. Shiro Kashiba trained under master Jiro Ono (of Jiro Dreams of Sushi). [Eater 38 Member]"
Men's Health Mag: "Our vote for one of the greatest outdoor art spaces in the country, the terraced, zig-zagging Olympic Sculpture Park butts up against the Sound and features work by masters such as Richard Serra."
Melih Erdogan: "If you want to ride a bike, walk around, relax your mind or just get some fresh air :) you should go there. + If the sky is clear enough mt. Rainier might accompany you with the Puget Sound's view :)"