Here are some popular tips in Cherepanova Hora. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Cherepanova Hora to go with friends:

  • 8.6

    The Kyiv Fortress

    Castle вул. Госпітальна, 16 Київ, м. Київ

    People also say (58 tips):

    • Kinoida
      Kinoida: "Enter the hospital territory for a nice walk. The part near the fortress looks like a meadow. You can almost forget you’re actually in the center of the large city. Wild birds, flowers and butterflies"
  • 8.7

    Beatnik Bar

    Cocktail Bar вул. Велика Васильківська, 23 Київ, м. Київ

    People also say (9 tips):

    • Anna
      Anna: "Candy & pisco sour 😋"
  • 8.5

    Come and Stay

    Coffee Shop вул. Велика Васильківська, 23в Київ, м. Київ

    People also say (344 tips):

    • Nataliia K.
      Nataliia Kulak: "Best coffee in city. Poor option to grab a table, always overcrowded. Friendly stuff. Cozy outside tables. I recommended - vanilla raf coffee. But lavender cappuccino is something really uniq also."
  • 8.8

    Takava Coffee-Buffet

    Coffee Shop вул. Велика Васильківська, 43/16 Київ, м. Київ

    People also say (240 tips):

    • Anna B.
      Anna Bilogan: "It is an amazing place with the best coffee and the coziest atmosphere in the city. I do recommend this cafe❤️"
  • 9.1


    Tatar Restaurant вул. Рогнідинська, 4а Київ, м. Київ

    People also say (17 tips):

    • Hani M.
      Hani Mak: "The best resturant in Kiev. The food was really delicious and the price was really good."
  • 8.8

    Молоко від Фермера

    Dairy Store вул. Велика Васильківська, 65 Київ, м. Київ

    People also say (10 tips):

    • Mariya M.
      Mariya Matushek: "Everything are super cheap and super tasty! Coffee and croissant only 42 hrn."

People are talking about these places in Cherepanova Hora:

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