Cheen The Curious: "Should have guessed it. “Hamburger” means of, or from the city of Hamburg, Germany, where this preparation of meat, originally called "Hamburg Steak", originated. Source: Merriam-Webster"
Sengaporean: "Surprising find in the deep HDB area in Jurong! The salted egg squid is a must order. Curry fish head and black pepper crab is good too!"
Jija Light07: "The biggest & best mall in the western Singapore. Supermarket & some food shops open for 24hours so you can never go hungry. The downside? It's perpetually crowded even in wee hours of morning"
Cheen The Curious: "Vegetarian bee-hoon. I enjoyed the aromatic mushroom-based sauce that Ginga Vegetarian 02-104 splashes over the breakfast offering"