Here are some popular tips in Kreuzberg. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Kreuzberg to go with friends:

  • 9.3

    Duo Sicilian Ice Cream

    Ice Cream Parlor Skalitzer Str. 82 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (47 tips):

    • Mag
      Mag: "I travelled from Charlottenburg to try their ice cream and I’ll be back. My top3 in Berlin, generous servings and really reasonable prices!"
  • 9.1

    Lerchen und Eulen

    Bar Pücklerstr. 33 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (113 tips):

    • Hessam
      Hessam: "Great staff and good atmosphere. The best choice for smokers cause you can smoke inside as well"
  • 9.3

    Freiluftkino Kreuzberg

    Indie Movie Theater Mariannenplatz 2 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (30 tips):

    • Stefan N.
      Stefan Najib: "The best outdoor cinema experience you can have during a heated up Berlin summer night!!!"
  • 9.5


    Canal Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (21 tips):

    • "This is a canal in Berlin that flows through Kreuzberg and Tiergarten where you can take a nice walk, sit on the benches, or simply hang out in its surrounding cafés and restaurants."
  • 9.0

    Bonanza Roastery

    Coffee Shop Adalbertstr. 70 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (156 tips):

    • Matas
      Matas: "One of the most beautiful public interiors in Berlin. A place to sit down with a cup of cappuccino and Monocle and Kinfolk magazines :)"
  • 9.2

    Markthalle Neun

    Food Court Eisenbahnstr. 42/43 Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (468 tips):

    • Kieran M.
      Kieran McMillan: "One of my favourite spots in Berlin. The street food market on Thursday evenings are fantastic, but get there early if you're with a group of friends as you'll have a better chance of getting a table"

People are talking about these places in Kreuzberg:

  • 9.3


    Waterfront Carl-Herz-Ufer Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (4 tips):

    • Olaf B.
      Olaf Bottek: "Very urban."
    • Mark H.
      Mark Heywinkel: "Der wohl beste Ort, um zentral am Wasser zu entspannen. Decke und Getränke einpacken und ab an den Kanal - am besten rechtzeitig, denn bei Sonnenschein wird's hier voll!"
  • 9.4

    Park am Gleisdreieck - Ostpark

    Park Yorckstr. Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (41 tips):

    • Isabella T.
      Isabella Torrealba: "Jogging, walking, skating, pinick, tanning ;) it is big enough to do anything you want. I specially like the integration of the rails with some paths of the park"
    • Matt J.
      Matt Jackson: "One if the best Parks in Berlin. Has a modern open and urban feel. Think Skyline in NYC but broad."
  • 9.3

    Park am Gleisdreieck - Westpark

    Park Flottwellstr. Berlin, Berlin

    People also say (53 tips):

    • Mark
      Mark: "Beautiful wide park with urban charme. It offers lots of possibilities to do some sports or just hanging around."
    • Anna Z.
      Anna Zhdanova: "Fantastic place in the centre of Berlin! Grab some snacks and drinks and go during weekend. Very green, neat and friendly"

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