Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Město Brno to go with friends:

  • 9.1

    Božský kopeček

    Ice Cream Parlor Zelný trh Brno, Jihomoravský

    People also say (19 tips):

    • Petr M.
      Petr Machala: "Fantastic! The best ice cream ever! Very natural and full flavour! Amazing. My favouritw choice is kiwi-strawberry. 👍🏼"
  • 9.2


    Mexican Restaurant nám. Svobody 92/21 Brno, South Moravia

    People also say (31 tips):

    • Anna K.
      Anna Kin: "This place is great! Nice Mexican food, fast, staff speaks English, located in the city center👌 must visit if in Brno"
  • 9.0

    Divadlo Husa na provázku

    Theater Zelný trh 294/9 Brno, Jihomoravský

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Irene A.
      Irene Aksenova: "Fine climate, great place for dancing and having some beer =)"
  • 9.4

    Bar, který neexistuje

    Cocktail Bar Dvořákova 24/1 Brno, Jihomoravský

    People also say (297 tips):

    • Lana S.
      Lana Shurma: "Wonderful bar with an impressive selection of drinks ranging from world known whiskeys to softer liquor. Excellent place for a fancy drink tasting. Works long hours and the waiters are smiling :)"
  • 9.2


    Food Truck Zelný trh Brno, Jihomoravský

    People also say (16 tips):

    • Zoran J.
      Zoran Jankulovski: "best street food by far...excellent quality , fast and friendly service ,price is very fair , as you get fresh , home made food at its best !! 10 out of 10"
  • 9.0

    Super Panda Circus

    Cocktail Bar Šilingrovo nám. 257/3 Brno, Jihomoravský

    People also say (101 tips):

    • Tetrisa
      Tetrisa: "I absolutely love this place!!!!! The seating space is a bit limited so not that many people can fit in at once but the whole concept and drinks are amazing and unique! <3 The bar looks super cool!!!"

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People are talking about these places in Město Brno:

  • 9.0


    Bar Vachova 45/6 Brno, Jihomoravský

    People also say (52 tips):

    • Sansa S.
      Sansa Stark: "Nice music, staff and of course delicious mixed drinks. I like it even more than Panda cirkus or Bar, který neexistuje. The interior is just the best. This is true love. ❤️❤️❤️"
    • Michaela H.
      Michaela Hanakova: "This is a happy place.Stay upstairs! Ive been there 2x & loved it everytime. Dont even try to understand the drink/food list. They expect u to read it & smts u wonder whether it's a meal or a drink 🤘"
  • 9.0

    Denisovy sady

    Park Denisovy sady Brno, Jihomoravský

    People also say (18 tips):

    • johnny k.
      johnny kreveta: "greath place, specially at summer time to chill on green or just enjoy the view..i jad greath memmories from this place long time ago before cameras was instaled here :-))"
    • Marek L.
      Marek Lahoda: "The best place to dance salsa etc. in Brno - every summer Thursday 18-22 ! :-)"
  • 9.2

    Zelný trh

    Plaza Zelný trh Brno, Jihomoravský

    People also say (37 tips):

    • Liam P.
      Liam Proven: "Historical main square, with bars, cafés restaurants, concert halls and museums -- and a vegetable market."
    • Petr D.
      Petr Dosoudil: "Nice place full with lot of interesting events. Maybe the best square in Brno :-)"

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