Here are some popular tips in Santa Barbara. Select a taste to see more:

Foursquare helps you find the perfect places in Santa Barbara to go with friends:

People are talking about these places in Santa Barbara:

  • 9.1

    East Beach

    Beach E Cabrillo Blvd Santa Barbara, CA

    People also say (15 tips):

    • samantha l.
      samantha lipari: "This beach has nice big grass areas perfect for picnics and activities. I like to ride my bike along the bike trail and its a beautiful ocean and palm tree view."
    • Ryan K.
      Ryan Khoury: "Perfect for those late afternoon strolls with your significant other. Oh make sure you're walking west for a beautiful sunset."
  • 9.3

    Santa Barbara Beach

    Beach 1118 E Cabrillo Blvd Santa Barbara, CA

    People also say (6 tips):

    • Federica D.
      Federica De Nicola: "Best place in the whole Cali! Go to state street if you want shopping, if you want to see the coast rent a bike or better a chopper and have your trip!"
    • Milli P.
      Milli Parkus: "Location! Beach volleyball! Shopping and clam chowder by the pier!"
  • 9.3

    Santa Barbara Courthouse

    Courthouse 1100 Anacapa St Santa Barbara, CA

    People also say (45 tips):

    • Katherine W.
      Katherine Wertheim: "Until 4:45 pm every day, you can take an elevator to the top of the tower. They've also opened a marvelous gallery to view the inside of the clock mechanism."
    • Pavan K.
      Pavan Kulkarni: "Stunning views of the city from the viewing tower and the most beautiful spanish interior architecture you can ever see. Go b4 few minutes of clock striking every hour to see the mechanical clock"

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