Italian Restaurant Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 3 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
People also say (47 tips):
bonny_blue: "Spaghetti wis Parmesan and black truffle is really good! One of the waitresses was very unsatisfied each time she needed to bring smth or taking the order."
Tatyana Yaroslavtseva: "Here you can find tasty pies and cakes and a wonderful view on the lake. Moreover to get there you should walk at least 20 min and deserve the sweet things)"
Lounge Tübinger Str. 90 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
People also say (42 tips):
Get My Grub On! "It's a very nice cozy place to hangout. Beer is super reasonable and they put out concerts twice a week. Some of the tables are a bit smallish but the big beer mugs fit in just fine, plates however..."
Tia Vasiljevic: "It’s a lovely place to relax, read a book, lay on the soft grass, have a family picnic, or spend times with your loved one on a sunny, stunning day"
Museum Mercedesstr. 100 Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
People also say (240 tips):
Mykolas Petrauskas: "My favorite museum ever! The cars are mind-blowing... But there more than just cars - it tells so much about technology & society progress. An eye-opener at impact automobile had on our society!"
Sascha G.: "great zoo within the middle of Stuttgart and nice Botanical Garden as well"
Best Western Central Europe: "A must for the entire family. Wilhelma is the only zoological botanical garden in Europe, offering a beautiful combination of plants, animals and historic buildings."
Tia Vasiljevic: "Opposite this nice fountain & statues is the famous museum. Make sure you visit the place in the morning till early afternoon, otherwise you could miss out from the interesting things that has inside."
Sascha: "Take a Walk in the scenic Rosenstein Park. If you have time, you may plan to visit the Wilhelm Zoo or the both Museums with are also located nearby"