Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop
Feira da Ladra is one of Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop.

1. Feira da Ladra

Campo de Santa Clara, Lisboa, Lisboa
Flea Market · Centro Histórico · 74 tips and reviews

Claudia M.Claudia Makadristo: For everything vintage

A Vida Portuguesa is one of Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop.

2. A Vida Portuguesa

Rua Anchieta, 11, Lisboa, Lisboa
Arts and Crafts Store · Centro Histórico · 45 tips and reviews

Claudia M.Claudia Makadristo: for authentic portuguese products

Feira das Almas is one of Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop.

3. Feira das Almas

Regueirão Dos Anjos 70, Lisboa, Lisboa
Flea Market · Anjos · 6 tips and reviews

Claudia M.Claudia Makadristo: a monthly market with handmade and vintage stuff

Ler Devagar is one of Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop.

4. Ler Devagar

R. Rodrigues Faria, 103, Lisboa, Lisboa
Bookstore · Alcântara · 70 tips and reviews
A Outra Face da Lua is one of Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop.

5. A Outra Face da Lua

R. da Assunção, 22 (R. da Prata), Lisboa, Lisboa
Vintage and Thrift Store · Centro Histórico · 22 tips and reviews

Claudia M.Claudia Makadristo: vintage, a cup of coffee and a meal

Colombo Shopping Mall is one of Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop.

6. Colombo Shopping Mall

(Centro Comercial Colombo)
Av. Lusíada (Av. do Colégio Militar), Lisboa, Lisboa
Shopping Mall · Carnide · 159 tips and reviews
Armazéns do Chiado is one of Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop.

7. Armazéns do Chiado

R. do Carmo, 2 (R. Garrett), Lisboa, Lisboa
Shopping Mall · Centro Histórico · 73 tips and reviews
Slou is one of Startup Lisboa city guide: where to shop.

8. Slou

R. Nova da Trindade, 22E, Lisboa, Lisboa
Men's Store · Centro Histórico · 5 tips and reviews