as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark
Schreierstoren is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

1. Schreierstoren

Prins Hendrikkade 94, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Monument · Amsterdam Centrum · 3 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: 'a name given over to next geners sometimes genders a story twice way another one in', my dear Higgins, 'only few cities in the world show so little heart for tourists and the seamen with aboarded,

Haarlemmerpoort is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

2. Haarlemmerpoort

Haarlemmerplein, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Monument · Haarlemmerbuurt · 1 tip

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: when I made for highschool at Prinsengracht the Theater Library at Haarlemmerpooort were kliving some excentrics you can't find them anymore, the sissies or something, and high wooden shoes....

Munttoren is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

3. Munttoren

Muntplein 1 (Singel), Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Monument · Kuip · 6 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: I have seen and heart during my years in the Miller Banking Coi Uk people were yelling about some one showing, well, you know, the fairy is those odds faded away at coming up sunshine

National Monument on Dam Square is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

4. National Monument on Dam Square

(Nationaal Monument op de Dam)
Dam, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Monument · Amsterdam Centrum · 20 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: we discussed ambtiously why in Holland a needle stack was acceptable for bible students, they never expolained us, only promised to do so...yes Higgins, mr. Miller, a ferm teacher saving me Hfl. 1,--

I amsterdam is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

5. I amsterdam

Museumplein, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Monument · Museumkwartier · 336 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: well, mr. Higgins, Miller's Amsterdam would be just fine for you, I see it, but let me tell, here once in old Amsterdam lived some ladies, called 'joffers', they enjoyed in perfr of absolute authority

Westerkerk is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

6. Westerkerk

Prinsengracht 281, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Church · Grachtengordel-West · 16 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: well, mr. Higgins, you're showed around by a criminal, I once bereft chuch brethren of a mysterrious file box, open door visits in Canal houses, you just asked and got the adress and the seconds for/

7. Homomonument

Westermarkt, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Memorial Site · Grachtengordel-West · 10 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: well, mr. Higgins, I might be an old man, but here I saved my friend A. the artruis of Harreweijn, on date of may 8, he comsented/

8. Royal Palace of Amsterdam

(Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam)
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 147 (Dam), Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Palace · Kuip · 79 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: well, mr. Higgins, when upbuilded townhall for the city palace would be the bifigrhosjt halley baal of all Europe by 1648, the bills are never all supplied with dues, it's ..this a Holland..tiens

De Nieuwe Kerk is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

9. De Nieuwe Kerk

Dam 10, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Church · Kuip · 30 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: yes, mr. Higgins, Dutch people all belong to freed christian groups, in the church here VVV comittee organises exhibitions for cultural national like the krisjnies dancing?

Magere Brug (Brug 242) is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

10. Magere Brug (Brug 242)

Amstel (Lange Kerkstraat), Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Bridge · Weesperbuurt en Plantage · 24 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: the name means 'meager bridge', when the lady was hammered over the river from te dike she's praised for geniality of design only seen in Holland, this is still the way of meager say so s'

Oude Kerk is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

11. Oude Kerk

Oudekerksplein 23, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Church · Amsterdam Centrum · 46 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: well, mr. Higgins, have a look, it is here that Rembrandt Rhijnsz created famous clovers officers brigade, he's never got a wage, didn't want so..80 years, yes...

EYE is one of as usual, mr. Reginald, or d'yr dark.

12. EYE

IJpromenade 1, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland
Museum · Stadsdeel Noord · 199 tips and reviews

Clemens M. M. B.Clemens M. M. Buur Vredenburgh: yes. mr. Higgins. IU see, we appointed, no sure, you asked, well we regret muchj to yearly banquet Cape town stronglure, hi Jan, oh well, we shake hands, thank you well for all ..yes my bike's here