119 Rivington Street (Corner of Essex Street), New York, NY
New American Restaurant · Lower East Side · 217 tips and reviews
Erin Lane: You're supposed to get 3 mimosas or bloody marys with your entree, but it's basically all-you-can-drink and they do not mess around w/ the pours. Beware.
8 Little West 12th St (btwm 9th Ave & Washington St), New York, NY
French Restaurant · Meatpacking District · 82 tips and reviews
Erin Lane: Great for bday brunches -- all-you-can-drink champagne cocktails w/ delicious food. 2-hour time limit on the drinks so wait until your whole party has arrived to kick things off.
157 E Houston St (btwn Allen & Eldridge St), New York, NY
Tapas Restaurant · East Village · 178 tips and reviews
Erin Lane: LOVE this place -- delicious, super affordable food. On the weekend you get unlimited cava cocktails w/ your brunch for an extra $7(!!). The juices in the cocktails are fresh squeezed and aaaamazing.
Mexican Restaurant · Meatpacking District · 222 tips and reviews
Erin Lane: Amazing hangover cure -- brunch comes w/ your choice of a free drink. Prickly pear marg & quesadilla benedict FTW! And keep those margs coming...
Burger Joint · Meatpacking District · 233 tips and reviews
Erin Lane: Good for a chill dinner & board game night, but also a great day drinking spot. Get a table in the front area, order the cheeseburger and let the shandys flow like water.