History Museum · Μακρυγιάννη · 540 tips and reviews
HotelGrandeBretagne: Opened in 2009, this architectural marvel, featuring masterpieces from both the Archaic and Classical periods, sits opposite the Acropolis and offers a panoramic view of the Parthenon.
HotelGrandeBretagne: The world renowned National Archaeological Museum contains exhibits dating from prehistoric times through to the Byzantine period.
HotelGrandeBretagne: For those who relish new experiences, the Jewish Museum is the perfect stop. Containing Greek Jewish heritage artifacts through the ages, it is certainly a visit not to be missed.
HotelGrandeBretagne: The new permanent exhibition of the Byzantine and Christian Museum offers the visitor a unique opportunity to discover through art aspects of the Byzantine and modern Greek culture (3rd - 20th c.).
HotelGrandeBretagne: A unique opportunity to learn how an indigenous non-profit-making foundation presents music and the fine arts from both Greece and around the world.